bigpigpro | 1 points | May 28 2022 01:18:37
有人知道这人谁吗,点进去主业就是在骂我?[-] QuanLangTV_Emergency | 1 points | May 28 2022 01:22:05
你好,本贴中的截图未给当事人个人社交id(非公众人物/媒体)打码,疑似违反了红迪内容政策Reddit’s Content Policy第三条中的revealing personal or confidential information,争议性话题存在给当事人招致骚扰的风险,为慎重起见,我先帮你把这个贴子remove了,欢迎打完码之后继续发布或者略过可能违规的内容,希望理解,谢谢
[-] chunliangtuyou | 1 points | May 28 2022 01:19:05
[-] QuanLangTV_Emergency | 1 points | May 28 2022 01:24:09
提醒:本条评论疑似违反了Reddit’s Content Policy第一条中的
&rt;Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence.
&rt;However, menacing someone, directing abuse at a person or group, following them around the site, encouraging others to do any of these actions, or otherwise behaving in a way that would discourage a reasonable person from participating on Reddit crosses the line.