shitstone22 | 51 points | May 09 2022 13:14:31
蚌,誰給遞的刀子?😡[-] shitstone22 | 35 points | May 09 2022 13:14:58
翻譯:望周知,黑人孩子沒父親 望周知,中國父母沒女兒
[-] jiayuehhu8964 | 18 points | May 09 2022 15:17:37
哈哈 黑人和中国的梗都来了
[-] Few-Extent5095 | 9 points | May 09 2022 13:50:14
[-] neo4life01 | 5 points | May 09 2022 16:35:40
[-] WeiRuanxi | 2 points | May 10 2022 05:56:24
[-] booboo0419 | 1 points | May 09 2022 18:45:10
[-] shitstone22 | 43 points | May 09 2022 13:15:43
[-] xjp888 | 9 points | May 09 2022 16:07:28
1450 就是14亿都是50万
[-] GandWall | 6 points | May 10 2022 01:03:45
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 09 2022 16:02:57
[-] AutoModerator | 0 points | May 09 2022 16:02:58
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