qwedsa789654 | 1 points | Feb 28 2022 03:52:07

goosegroup : 线程显示中国政府和民族主义者如何支持俄罗斯入侵乌克兰 (搬自推特)


[-] qwedsa789654 | 1 points | Feb 28 2022 06:22:51

3 Russia was cyber attacked, 5g leading corp HUAWEI help Russia maintain its grid


Recently cyber attacked, Russia network grown unstable even partly malfunction , severely affect civilian and business. In such case HUAWEI serve Russia with great effort to maintain Russia network right now.


4 shelter homeless Ukrainian chicks!! 14-16 and pretty first ! War is cruel, I am not, my heart will warm your winter!!

War is cruel we are not , due to R-U conflict , as a humanitarian I volunteer to shelter 1-2 Ukrainian. Require : 18-26 F , look decent , pale skin


6 Chinese Centre NEWs help spread Russian propaganda that Ukrainian president flee Kyiv

Chinese Centre NEWs : Russian Duma's Head Volodin stated on 26th that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy had fleed Keiv on 25th , all his Kyiv announcement are pre-shot.

Volodin stated he gathered from a Rada Counciler who try to meet Zelenskyy in Kyiv


7 steam review bomb on This War of Mine (PENDING)


9 Chinese on Twitter purposely share pro Putin message disguised as pro Ukrainian

This is in Ukrainian, Pro Ukrainian please share this !! (Ukrainian/Russian on pic need TRANSLATE)


11 Chinese players modded "Z" marked tank skin to celebrate Russian invasion


12 Chinese Media Corp SINA help spread Russian propaganda that Ukrainian 13 soldiers on Bile died defending , were surrendered in fact


13 Chinese professors pro Ukrainian co-open letter was ban to view


15 人民网 China people news report : As war escalate so is extreme behavior of Ukrainian , included language abuse and shooting at civilians , endangering Chinese there. Kyiv Chinese student stated that Kyiv locals stated that Ukrainian medias spread "Chinese pro invasion" propaganda . Ukrainian unfriendly voices and moves seen.


16 HongKong news 文汇 report :

Ukrainian NeoNazi are Russian target and trained by CIA in Hong Kong violence movement

Putin on TV mentioned act on Ukrainian is to protect people that were abused and genocided by Kyiv government , to de-militarize and de-nazify Ukraine. Peskov explained de-nazify will rid Ukraine of Nazis and Nazi ideals. In fact Ukrainian Nazi had breached oversea like joining Hong Kong violence movement 2 years ago.


17 Ukraine Chinese urged domestic voices stop celebrating Russian invasion and worried Chinese here discriminated . Chinese here would self claim Japanese for safety.

[-] Green_Dog4314 | 1 points | Feb 28 2022 11:08:01
