tracyXTMAC | 1 points | Feb 27 2022 03:02:19


本来以为这里的普罗佐罗夫又是一个爱德华威尔森,结果经过搜索认证发现确实有个前乌克兰安全情报人员在几年前叛逃至俄罗斯,名字叫Vasily Prozorov。然而在俄罗斯最大的两家媒体塔斯社和土星社的官网上搜索这个人,上次出现的时候还是2021年以前。不知道央视是从什么俄国三流报纸拿到的消息?

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[-] Cerulean_heron | 1 points | Feb 27 2022 04:14:48

Title:This is how China lies.

“Ukraine’s National Security Department revealed that it‘s Ukrainian forces that attack the civilians !” A former Security Official claimed to some Russian media that Ukraine’s National Security Department plans to have Ukraine’s military forces cross-dressed in Russia uniforms and attack the civilians.  (CGTN)