Candid_Salamander486 | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:04:33

红迪上r/taiwan是怎么回事 一群台湾人不讲中文讲英文?

[-] Flimsy-Platypus-1367 | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:06:13


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:06:13


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[-] DontForgeUrTowel | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:06:16

红迪上r/shanghai是怎么回事 一群上海人不讲中文讲英文?

[-] Candid_Salamander486 | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:08:15

shanghai那个sub大部分是老外 r/taiwan就是一堆台湾人

[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:08:33

Here's a sneak peek of /r/taiwan using the top posts of the year!

#1: Taiwan Defeats China in Men's Doubles Badminton to win Gold! | 191 comments
#2: Happy National Day to Taiwan! | 160 comments
#3: Taipei 101 showing support towards Ukraine | 93 comments

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[-] XinnieThePoohEmperor | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:06:26


[-] brctmsport | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:15:17


[-] bigpigpro | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:16:00


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 26 2022 05:16:01


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