weini114514 | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:25:12
蹦。[-] DateKaname | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:32:03
[-] Additional_Minute_99 | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:35:18
织女能在你国起势,本质就是化妆整容p图易容术的高速发展和快速普及,以及支那绝大多数人的垃圾审美,还有死妈支那互联网大厂整出的社交APP。 没有这些东西,你支就不存在什么女拳和集美了,因为织女获得的存在感和优越感实际上都是虚荣的批爆,想想10年前支那社会普遍织女是什么社会画像。
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:37:48
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:37:49
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[-] Additional_Minute_99 | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:38:57
[-] RaccoonLost4118 | 1 points | May 23 2022 22:30:31
[-] RaccoonLost4118 | 1 points | May 23 2022 22:30:37
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:30:36
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 23 2022 13:30:36
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