longzzz123 | 1 points | May 21 2022 18:43:47
火速大翻译,期待澳友开屠高华[-] zhinazhu996 | 1 points | May 21 2022 19:49:17
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:04:08
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:04:09
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[-] Particular_Scallion | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:08:20
[-] Friendly_Drawer6028 | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:18:58
又来痴心妄想是吧 马来人印尼人没打过还跨级挑战盎格鲁人是吧
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:24:16
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:24:16
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[-] Friendly_Drawer6028 | 1 points | May 21 2022 23:34:20
当年麦卡锡主义泛滥的时候 美国就没收过亲苏俄裔的资产 然后把没收来的钱交给西伯利亚放出来的日本战俘作为补偿 我想这就是海外豸人之未来
[-] SnooWalruses6362 | 1 points | May 21 2022 19:06:11