Salty-Equipment426 | 1 points | May 17 2022 16:28:12

買家嫌「太長」把字畫切成2半 竊賊不識貨賣毛澤東87.2億臺幣字畫「僅758元」

買家嫌「太長」把字畫切成2半 竊賊不識貨賣毛澤東87.2億臺幣字畫「僅758元」

擁名貴藏品無升級安保,人才 竊疑似珍寶不尋思價值,人才 展買入字畫卻鋸梯過門,人才

[-] bossgrape000 | 1 points | May 17 2022 16:34:24

反转了 窃贼是cia派来的,夺取腊肉尸王魂器之一后交给法师净化,仪式中腊肉破开魂器出逃,寄宿平子脑内长成了动脉瘤

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 17 2022 16:34:25


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[-] Key-Mud-6810 | 1 points | May 17 2022 19:40:21


[-] MrWilsonEdwards | 1 points | May 18 2022 03:11:40
