WEWCEW | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:01:16
亚速钢厂被围困士兵的妻子呼吁中国的解救: “伟大领导人不能对邪恶袖手旁观 ... 各种协商无果后, 能让普京难以推辞的全世界只剩一人。 我们希望强大美好的中国能为真善美做出艰难的决定。”https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/14/ukraine-says-russian-forces-withdrawing-kharkiv
Speaking on Saturday at a press conference in Kyiv, Natalia Zarytska, the wife of Bogdan Sements, who is among those trapped in the sprawling steelworks, called on China to intervene and help liberate the remaining.
She said: “Strong leaders cannot stand aside when there is evil … After all these negotiations, there is one person worldwide who it would be difficult for Vladimir Putin to refuse. We hope that strong and good China can make difficult decisions for the good.
伟大领导人不能对邪恶袖手旁观 ... 各种协商无果后,能让普京难以推辞的全世界只剩一人。我们希望强大美好的中国能为真善美做出艰难的决定。
“We ask the esteemed premier of China, Xi Jinping, to express love and care for global values and eastern wisdom and to join the process of rescuing the defenders of Mariupol.”
“But we do not want them to be killed there. We need our heroes alive. We ask the president of China as Putin’s economic partner to undertake all the necessary procedures and rescue our guys”.
[-] bossgrape000 | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:07:06
to express love and care for global values and eastern wisdom
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:07:06
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[-] Conscious_Ad4727 | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:08:08
[-] xijinping_xi | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:12:40
[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:15:26
。。左逼整活罢了 虽然讨厌左逼不过这个活还是不错的 使劲给我炒作让习近平难看
[-] yaca_samsung | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:19:44
[-] biewenwoshishei | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:28:00
这就是我反感乌克兰人的地方 至今仍然对🕷️国抱有不切实际的幻想 我两次在r/ukraine转大翻译的内容都被他们mod删了 乌克兰人总是觉得中国人是在左右逢源而不是真的支持俄罗斯 并且支共在国际上放的烟雾弹他们也照单全收
[-] St-Bao | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:44:42
[-] DoubutsuMori04102022 | 1 points | May 15 2022 08:08:56
[-] Norris95 | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:44:14
[-] SKPlonglive | 1 points | May 15 2022 08:00:45
[-] SKPlonglive | 1 points | May 15 2022 08:02:08
[-] Plane_Anxiety_yuri | 1 points | May 15 2022 07:05:09