Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:20:22

奇文共赏 一句左逼引发的血案

“When I moved to Ontario, there was a period when I could only walk or take the buses, it was truly miserable, the determination of which bank, post office, or grocery store I used was solely based on whether they are reachable by bus.”

I feel you there, but that’s simply the reality of life, and it’s not just for you, but it’s the same for everyone. You either buy a car and go anywhere you like, or you just go to places that are within walking distance or accessible by public transit. And before some kind of next gen techs that can teleport people to anywhere they like are invented, commuting distance will always be a factor to consider when people are finding jobs. But let’s talk about that later. Please forgive me for making assumptions about you, I should profile you thoroughly before I say anything stupid. NO, I’m just kidding, and please don’t reveal too much personal info in this discussion.

“He just simply said that we can see it as an example for potential conversion of current NA stroads”

Now I’ve watched that video twice, and we both know what he prefers and what he is suggesting. He praised Netherlands model and despised the so call “stroad”. The only thing I can agree with him is that “stroad” is a terrible name.

“I love how you listed two sets of numbers and didn’t even try to make an argument with them, not that they would make good arguments anyway.”

I brought up the population density and car ownership per household because those were some key factors he intentionally omitted in his video. To be fair, those points should be self explanatory. But you’re right, please allow me to explains why these numbers matter.

“National population density literally doesn’t mean shit,” and you are right in this context. But it does point to a simple fact, we have far more space available for potential growth in the future. That means we don’t have to make all things packed so tightly, we can afford the space and that’s why our cities are spread out over a wide area, aka suburbs. When we are comparing population densities, Toronto and Amsterdam are about the same, 4427/km2 and 4439/km2 respectively. However, GTA is about 3 times larger than Amsterdam metro area. This has a significant impact on how the infrastructures are planed and developed. Increasing the building density is very costly, and it is avoided in most places unless the demand for certain area far exceeds the available space in that defined area, like downtown area. With ample space available in NA, you rarely see high building density areas outside of the downtown core of major cities.

“Vancouver with its "lack of space" still mirrors the stroad solution in NA instead of something akin to the Netherlands? Besides, there is no significant difference in the space required for both NA and Dutch road systems, so what are you on about? ”

Higher population density does not necessarily translate into lack of space, and you should know this. Please don’t say that Waterloo is crowded, C’mon Man. I’ll talk about the space required for each road systems later. But for real, “road planning has very little to do with population density” ? I know you are better than this, you’re probably too tired when you wrote that down.

“As for cars owned per household, what is your argument with it? you just listed it as if it will prove something on its own. ”

Well, it kinda does. I won’t assume anything about you here, but if I have to I guess you know this already. China is a leader in non-motorized transportation system, cycling and walking infrastructure are well planed and implemented in most cities. Maybe this has something to do with very low numbers of car per capita when the first wave of urbanization started in China? Average Canadian household has 1.5 cars, I’d assume that “car-centered road-building philosophy” is kinda a logical conclusion from that stats? And it’s not just me, that is the reality in North America, ever heard of nation on wheels? The whole historical and cultural aspects of this can be discussed on another day. But you need to realized this, we’re not talking about a sim game here that you can build everything from scratch. In most cases, there’re reasons why things work the way they do. FINALLY, let’s talk about that video, “STRODES”. (I’ll admit this, I absolutely hate this word now)

“And please, share your wisdom with me as to where the guy mixed up terminologies and "redefined the meaning of road and street", ”

It seems that the definitions of ‘road’ and ‘street’ the guy in the video are referring to, are from a book, “Strong Towns”. I haven’t read that book and probably won’t , so I’ll leave no comment on that. My only source of info would be that video you posted. First things first, let’s make sure we are on the same page for those terms. When he says road, he means highway or expressway, and please let’s just call it highway. And when he says street, he means local road, and let’s call them street. According to him, stroads are highway and street hybrid, but in real life they are classified as major or minor arterial road. We call them avenue or drive way, but for the sake of discussion here, I’ll call them stroads. You see, they intentionally invented a new word to describe a existing road system that has existing classification systems. Why? To criticize the existing system and promote their own agenda, does that sounds familiar to you, my conservative friend?

Let me explain to you how their logic works. Stroads are highway and local street hybrid, they are dangerous, expensive, and ineffective, therefore we need to change. But why are stroads bad? Because he is judging stroads based on criteria for both highway and street. “Stroad is dangerous and impossible for pedestrians to cross”, highway is the same and jaywalking is dangerous, pedestrians are not supposed to walk across stroad. Are you gonna complain that highways are not cyclist friendly? “High speed traffic not compatible with human activities”, please perform those activities at a safer location, and there’s plenty space for that, like along the local streets. “Stroads are hostile to people outside of a car”, and that’s because traffic movement is the primary function of stroads, not walking or cycling. “Stroads are ugly, with large signs on the road, no body wants to spend time there.’’ Depending on the surrounding environment, that’s not necessarily true. Plus most people likely just want to reach their destinations, and they’d prefer to spend more time on what they want to do other than on the road. “Stroads are slower than highway”, yes and it provides more accesses to nearby communities. “Traffic lights on stroads, no body is getting anywhere quickly on stroad”. Simply not true, stroads transfer far more vehicles per day than a street. Last but not least, let’s talk about the space. “Stroad is much bigger than ‘highway’ that would carry the same amount of traffic”, probably but it provides a lot more access to nearby buildings and streets. “Stroad is significantly larger than a street that would have the same number of businesses and houses along it”, again, it also moves a lot more vehicles and the traffic is significantly faster than local street.

I think that’s enough examples for you to get the point, a dog is not bad just because it’s not a cat. That guy is constantly using standards of local street to criticize the “highway aspect” of stroad, and using highway standards to disapprove the “street aspect” of stroad. It is not a hybrid to begin with, so called stroad serves its own purposes and are planed that way. When making city planning, so called stroads are “default setting for transportation design almost everywhere in the US and Canada.” That is probably due to the facts that I mentioned above, we have plenty of space and we have lots of cars. And it’s not necessary a bad thing when “everything is inherently spread out and low-density”. Again, we can afford that space in NA.

“You seem not to understand that most drivers, bikers, and pedestrians are all people that live where the stroad is, remember, stroads have businesses and infrastructure alongside them, they shouldn’t be used to commute to another area like the highways or freeways. if the environment for bikers and pedestrians is improved, it will reduce the traffic flow, making the travel time by all means faster, ”

He proposed two things as the alternative, basically eliminating stroads and converting them into either highway or street. That is to say, he wants to reduce the road classifications from 5 to 2 or 3, like what they have in Netherland. Apparently, you don’t think it’s a good idea to converte them into highways. Does changing stroad to local street improve the environment for bikers and pedestrians ? Yes, for sure, but at the same time it significantly lowers the volume of traffic it can transport per day, and travel by car will take longer to pass through. What you want here is more than a reclassification of road systems, but urban design that favors pedestrians and cyclists more than cars. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, because that’s how all the cities were build before the early 20th century when cars became widely available. However, like I said in my previous post, this change is gonna impact how people live their life and it is taking away public space from drivers and giving that space to non drivers. In case you don’t know, this is already happening in urban centers. Reduding car lanes to make space for dedicated bike lanes, lowering speed limit for local street including stroads and increasing costs to own cars, just give you some examples here. But what that video is suggesting, is a lot more than this.

“It’s time to face the fact that designing stroads as both a high-speed thoroughfare and a destination simply does’t work. stroads, are dangerous and expensive. They destroy walkability, they make cycling dangerous and infeasible, and they don’t work for drivers either. The US and Canada need to change.”

The truth is, it’s not that stroads doesn’t work as both a high-speed thoroughfare and a destination, it’s simply not working for those who hates cars and prefers walking or cycling. For their intended functions, stroads are neither more dangerous than highways nor more expensive than high density local streets. They are simply designed to favor those who drive, and that’s why the leftist hate it so much. Remember, we are not talking about design a city from scratch, but converting existing systems by taking away public space from drivers. This fits perfectly with their larger agenda, promoting equality among all the people by taking away things from a group and give them to another.

“I love the liberating power of a car.” There’s no way for me to tell if you mean it wholeheartedly when you wrote that down. But trust me kid, guard that liberating power in your heart with all you have, cause that’s what those leftist bitches fear the most.

[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:23:37


[-] 183726001w | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:24:25


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:46:36

岂止是太长,简直是太长了,都他妈超过回复的character limit了,我都不知道还有这个限制

[-] Weak-Proposal-2783 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:29:11

说的没错啊,北美许多城市的缺点就是城市规划完全缺少中至高密度城区。我不是反对低密度别墅,但是许多北美城市只有这样的低密度地区,中心一家strip mall配上百个车位,导致每家必须拥有多台私家车才能正常生活,真的十分不便。虽然自行车和低排放的论点有点傻逼,但是这真的和左不左无关

[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:59:13


[-] Ballad_of_liangjiahe | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:07:27

这和左不左也没关系啊,像la huston这样的超大高速网铺大饼式郊区本来就是另通勤和出行非常的痛苦,本来就是受人诟病的,为了反左而反左真没必要,况且也不是每个人都能负担的起车

[-] Ballad_of_liangjiahe | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:12:56


[-] Ballad_of_liangjiahe | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:13:26


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:46:47


[-] Weak-Proposal-2783 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:15:20


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:37:09


[-] Weak-Proposal-2783 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:45:02


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:02:17


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:35:04

因为回复超过了字数限制 所以新开了一帖。具体内容参见原帖,总之就是关于北美城市基建思路的一点儿事。出乎意料的是,因为我上来就先骂了句左逼,哥们开始写论文,一下给我整不会了。我昨晚回复后,今天一早起来发现回复了一篇更长的,半夜三点多post的。彻底懵了,我寻思最近学校该final了,这点儿时间复习复习不好吗。不得不花了一下午再回复一篇。也没人给发工资,干了一下午的活。我承认我支了,也收回之前骂人家左逼的话。贴在这里,给大家奇文共赏吧。。。

[-] right_dog_shina | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:42:06


来我们右狗tv骂左逼 r/rightdogTV

[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 20:49:52


[-] PatrickLai3 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:46:56

首先道歉我用语太toxic了,强烈推荐你看一看Charles Marohn(登记共和党)的Strong Towns系列书,里面回应了很多你的论点,你也可以看一看Not Just Bike的Strong Town系列视频,他们的内容是大致重合的。这个运动是是由美国经济保守派发起的,主要目的不是通过top-down政策来改善城市环境,而是在各个地区放宽city zoning法,从他关于中小城市经济复苏的书的名字Strong towns : a bottom-up revolution to rebuild American prosperity就可以看到。他的书里提到,这个集中于汽车的社会并不是美国原本的样子,事实上,美国的大部分文化都是在1960年代之前,在欧洲风格的城市里孕育出来的,类似于现在的多伦多Riverdale(人口密度7000),看一看美国各大城市过去的照片就可以了解。现在的郊区模式是因为各种车位,车道,用地法律而产生的,而不是由人们自发形成的。这样的模式正在抽干很多城市以及大都市的公共资金休士顿就是一个例子,高速公路越阔,堵车反而越严重,给与汽车更多空间反而会加重交通负担。很明显他这一个视频没有办法很全面解释改进的各种细节,他只讲到了实用方面的课题,但这些改进还可以带来很多经济和民生的改善。他们不是在推崇左派的equity(结果平等),而是消费者选择(机会平等,绝对的保守派思想),而现在的美国基建强迫大部分人去买车;因为房子只可以建独栋,居住区不可以建商店/休闲场所,商务建筑有最低停车位限制,高速不停拓宽等等,这些都是各级政府强制生产的需求,从根本上来说就是反自由市场。这些都是可以慢慢改进的,荷兰也是花了30年才改回了现在的样子。

[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:57:48


[-] PatrickLai3 | 1 points | May 10 2022 21:58:30


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:01:10


[-] PatrickLai3 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:12:42

再加一句,Strong towns: a bottom-up revolution to rebuild American prosperity这本书是讲城市建设的,道路建设他专门写了另一本书Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town,我发誓我不是帮Wiley卖书的,我都从图书馆借,租房懒得搬书。GenUSA做的梗

[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:18:15

你行 一本不够还要再来一本是吧。。。我买行吗

[-] Various-Section-2279 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:15:36


[-] Various-Section-2279 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:23:06



[-] zhinazhu996 | 1 points | May 10 2022 22:58:20

傻逼stroad都能洗的干净挪窝到休斯敦去。。。oh wait even houston started their gentrification

[-] Leading-Ad7904 | 1 points | May 11 2022 12:54:28


[-] Court_H0701 | 1 points | May 11 2022 13:13:10

How may I help you, Sir?