qingcongdick | 1 points | May 09 2022 00:43:14



[-] burntpussy | 1 points | May 09 2022 00:45:39

那也是古希腊的一个学派 派别很多 很多人总比较什么东方西方的差别 实际上东方只是西方子集

[-] CommunicationDear236 | 1 points | May 09 2022 01:03:57

这种说法倒是第一次听说 以前只按照书目西方哲学史和中国哲学史来看待

[-] burntpussy | 1 points | May 09 2022 02:09:27

是 不过 我的意思是 西方的思想多种多样 比中国丰富许多 导致西方流行的思想成了西方的主要特征了

[-] CommunicationDear236 | 1 points | May 09 2022 03:12:22

懂了你是说思想内容上的子集 但是也挺有意思的中国的法家什么的思想没有成为主流也是遗憾

[-] John_Best_14425 | 1 points | May 09 2022 00:51:00


[-] Thirstyseeker | 1 points | May 09 2022 01:32:30


[-] Desperate-Handle8446 | 1 points | May 09 2022 02:05:24


[-] Thirstyseeker | 1 points | May 09 2022 02:12:41


[-] qingcongdick | 1 points | May 09 2022 02:57:50

One of Pythagoras' strangest obsessions with food was his relationship to the fava bean. He believed you should never eat fava beans because they give you gas and expelling gas took away the “breath of life.”3 At the same time, he claimed fava beans contained the souls of the dead.

[-] Thirstyseeker | 1 points | May 09 2022 03:00:34
