2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:38:39
这么快🕷就开始做出图来批判织女了?看他们狗咬狗感觉不过瘾,应该让他们咬的再狠一点。[-] AdventurousCrow2690 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:48:42
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:49:59
[-] wangyouxingping | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:01:42
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:03:58
[-] tonarinashi | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:03:08
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:06:26
[-] TXTXTX404 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:27:00
[-] 3019id | 1 points | May 08 2022 02:36:18
[-] caizhuan | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:04:00
[-] biewenwoshishei | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:44:33
以前的国男代表:身挡五对负重轮 现在的蝈蝻代表:只敢对着织女嚎几声的废狗
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:13:20
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:13:21
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[-] SilentSmoke5373 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:17:28
Sb bot 那么多敏感词
[-] Pooh8964 | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:44:18
[-] Gnk48-monster | 1 points | May 07 2022 20:20:29
[-] abe303 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:18:14
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:25:02
[-] Few-Succotash7976 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:35:28
[-] Outrageous_Oil_7125 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:19:59
[-] Few-Succotash7976 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:20:09
[-] ratman_chonglang | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:21:45
[-] Few-Succotash7976 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:33:29
[-] Logical_Assignment81 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:28:15
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:30:55
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:30:55
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:31:52
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[-] Old-Donut2844 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:32:19
蜘蛛照照镜子 自己啥b养 远不如织女
[-] Old-Donut2844 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:32:34
蜘蛛照照镜子 自己啥b养 远不如织女
[-] Last-Ad-4167 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:33:37
[-] minisherry | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:40:16
remember, no Chinese.
[-] jones17188 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:46:28
[-] feitelie8964 | 1 points | May 08 2022 04:39:38
[-] No-Introduction9486 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:43:39
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:50:28
This is why women's rights will ruin a society. Whether it's in Europe or China, ultimately feminism will lead to the replacement of the indigenous population with another group who are immune from feminism, like Muslims.
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:55:27
Are you a foreigner?
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:56:10
[-] iillaws | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:21:13
[-] archrunner971 | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:10:47
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:31:10
可别碰瓷欧洲,紫蜡没有feminism更是人权洼地,林毛毛说的好,德国人口那么少,不还是照样虐懒紫蜡,因为担心女的不生孩子或者女性性自由而被take over这首先就是对自己的文化不自信,再说还是德国真的绿化不正是代表着这个文化的先进。紫蜡蝈蝻就是雄竞里垫底的,文化上也是惦记女性子宫的文化,早该被replace掉
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:36:43
Nothing to do with confidence in one's culture. Feminism is societal suicide. When your society is dead, someone else will take over, it's simple cause and effect. Chinese culture deserves to be replaced, but even then it's not like we will be edit from this, except maybe vicariously through the males of the group replacing us, which is cringe as fuck.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:43:35
You call it suicide, I call it regeneration. A feminist society is a strong society, period. There may be conflicts in the early stage of assimilating an influx of immigrants, but I truly believe that it will work out. This notion that Muslims are incapable of adopting feminism within or beyond the confines of their religious teaching, is simply false.
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:51:16
Oh I'm sure it'll work out. It'll workout for the women who will have the babies of the conquerors, and the male conquerors who have have plenty of offspring. For the male locals, you'll be denied access to reproduction. If you're okay with that, you deserve what's coming to you.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:55:56
What conquerors? Allowing women the freedom to choose who they wanna bear children with among a larger pool of men is equivalent to getting conquered, wow. Can you be a little bit more insecure? Of course I’m fine with it. I am not straight. Even if I were, I’d know better than to pass my poor quality genes to the next generations.
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:10:14
Of course you wouldn't understand as you have no skin in the game to begin with.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:25:13
[-] sterrenetoiles | 1 points | May 07 2022 20:05:31
I don't know what to say but inshallah your fellow muslims (if you are one) don't know you're not straight.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 20:05:58
I’m not a Muslim lol
[-] sterrenetoiles | 1 points | May 07 2022 20:07:54
My bad. I saw you use the phrase mashallah
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:58:28
The monstrosity of what we call China today is the direct outcome of generations of racial gatekeeping. If Chinese women were given the opportunity to choose stronger men across the world, you’d be a hell of a dude now instead of wallowing in the self-pity of unavoidable civilizational decline.
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:07:46
The monstrosity of what is China today is the direct result of thousands of years of local men being cucks while foreigners have their way with wealth, land, political control, and least of all women. China is is China because generations of men would rather be conquered than to fight and be killed. Their lust for life turned them into slaves.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:23:22
Lmao if your theory is real, does that mean we need to get these men out of the gene pool? Quite astonishing that they have managed to produce the largest amount of population on earth like cockroaches. If they don’t have the balls to destroy themselves, maybe someone else should do it for them. East Asian men, 99.999% of you guys please never reproduce and contaminate the world with your ugly mongoloid genes.
[-] estadopiedraangular | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:04:39
Why are you making this about race? When have I ever mentioned race? It’s human instinct to reproduce, of course with the exception of sexual deviants like you. This is what all peoples and races have in common.
[-] rodlover22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:18:07
Maybe you need to check out which sub you are in. Nobody’s stopping you from having babies, but you and I both know that it’s irresponsible to bring a Chinese baby into this world. It’s true that reproduction is human instinct and my harsh words against you is more due to my spite than my sexual preference. I see no hope for a people like this. Zero hope. Every day on earth is a reminder that such a people is an embarrassment and I happen to belong to them. If I could press a button to remove all Chinese from this earth pain-free, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
[-] Paradise2077Paradise | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:06:07
[-] fdeYyY14 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:16:27
[-] ResponsibleAd4287 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:35:11
[-] Garrykk | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:35:52
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:41:21
[-] Leather-Historian-27 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:51:45
[-] Fickle_Maximum7551 | 1 points | May 07 2022 16:55:44
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:07:16
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:07:17
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[-] zhongxunlingyuan | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:11:43
[-] Naive_Seat5118 | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:17:33
[-] SolutionFit7306 | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:28:52
[-] Altruistic-Air-328 | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:33:17
[-] Tsukino_henpei | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:39:46
[-] RDishardtouse | 1 points | May 07 2022 18:16:31
[-] Wongzeonjyu | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:19:07
属实 就普通英国人口音真不知道有什么好舔的 英音给我最深的印象的还是剧版守望者里面的法老王 那个听起来就真的很高级 满满的贵族的感觉
[-] JoeDoe_DD | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:05:49
墙内说的“伦敦口音”是指RP(received pronounciation)?伦敦的地方口音是Cockney,但是我觉得织女没理由喜欢这么working class的口音。
[-] kldzt0064 | 1 points | May 07 2022 18:34:28
[-] CuSO4_ | 1 points | May 07 2022 18:44:21
[-] Conscious_Ad4727 | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:13:39
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:41:37
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 07 2022 19:41:37
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[-] superzhinyaman | 1 points | May 07 2022 21:01:46
[-] TwistSubstantial9215 | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:24:27
[-] One-Tea7171 | 1 points | May 07 2022 23:58:32
[-] sdhhdy | 1 points | May 08 2022 01:09:34
[-] Rude_Cardiologist_21 | 1 points | May 08 2022 01:34:19
[-] duckbattlefield | 1 points | May 08 2022 01:50:29
[-] GutsRain | 1 points | May 08 2022 03:07:24
[-] tamechinchilla | 1 points | May 08 2022 04:48:37
同不懂 有没有懂的解惑一下
[-] rrurusu | 1 points | May 08 2022 07:33:31
[-] sicario701 | 1 points | May 08 2022 03:10:52
[-] clairedlne | 1 points | May 08 2022 04:23:49
[-] Specialist-Chain-831 | 1 points | May 08 2022 05:27:38
[-] DieNachttt | 1 points | May 08 2022 06:35:46
[-] covertandthesame | 1 points | May 08 2022 08:08:14
[-] Annual_Student_544 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:43:48
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:51:07
[-] Annual_Student_544 | 1 points | May 07 2022 14:56:06
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:01:39
[-] NyarPhysics | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:34:30
[-] 2005002000 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:45:37
[-] ElvisWangHK | 1 points | May 07 2022 18:38:33
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:25:05
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:25:05
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[-] Quick-Accident2555 | 1 points | May 07 2022 22:33:48
[-] Macarrkikkkku | 1 points | May 08 2022 01:53:00
[-] Macarrkikkkku | 1 points | May 08 2022 01:54:09
[-] furry199564 | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:56:44
[-] golangolang | 1 points | May 07 2022 17:02:22
[-] thelight1ndark | 1 points | May 08 2022 02:49:06
[-] rebilion-wang | 1 points | May 07 2022 15:21:45
[-] netizenNo-1709 | 1 points | May 07 2022 18:15:14
vox 是什么
[-] sosiday22 | 1 points | May 07 2022 20:20:02