Xenon1898 | 1 points | May 06 2022 23:09:05
看了一下阎学通在Foreign Affairs发表的文章,更加印证了大翻译的有效性:CCP学者还在不停释放中国维持中立、反俄的中国网民在中国的社交网络上支持乌克兰的烟幕弹。有必要让西方了解强国真实舆论https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2022-05-02/chinas-ukraine-conundrum
[-] lmaosoleum | 1 points | May 06 2022 23:28:22
[-] Longjumping_Day3751 | 1 points | May 06 2022 23:45:15
阎学通原来算是学界的强硬派 现在这被战狼们都逼成鸽派了:
As the world’s second-largest economic power, China intends to play an important role in shaping global economic norms. But it has no ambition to play a leading role in global security affairs, especially in matters of war, because of the huge military disparity between it and the United States. Shaping a peaceful environment favorable to China’s economic development remains an important diplomatic goal. As long as the United States does not offer military support for a Taiwanese declaration of de jure independence, China is unlikely to deviate from this path of peaceful development.
[-] Xenon1898 | 1 points | May 07 2022 00:26:42
[-] AstronomerInner7911 | 1 points | May 07 2022 01:20:01
什麼時候衝浪TV也去ForeignAffairs 投稿一篇介紹大翻譯運動才好,不知道這幫教授學究看不看推特。
[-] Dengshopping | 1 points | May 07 2022 05:22:56
[-] EricEricEricEri | 1 points | May 07 2022 03:10:57
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 06 2022 23:10:51