NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:00:03



[-] lilanarkiddy | 3 points | May 05 2022 15:54:30


[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 18:08:11


[-] Tall-Abbreviations16 | 1 points | May 05 2022 20:55:01

人的胚胎 和 其他哺乳类的胚胎有区别么?没有选择被强行带入这粪坑世界的生命当然要尊重 但是能不造孽就不造孽 生个鸡吧毛育 有条件我就领养孩子 没有征求孩子的意见并且强行把他们带到这个世界的人 都是不道德的 都是基因的努力还不自知 所有的生命就该停止繁殖

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:10:46

逻辑上说得通又支持堕胎的人 无非就是像你这样 1.胎儿不是人 2.生命是痛苦的,所有生命都该消失

前者显然是错的,后者你可以这样想,那么你与校园射击罪犯的理念基本一致 你的argument离 杀死全人类 也就几步之遥了 而这也验证了支持堕胎人道德上的扭曲

[-] Tall-Abbreviations16 | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:36:42

本质有不同 自愿灭绝是尊重毫无选择被迫已经存在的生命 但是希望不要再有生命再被自私的制造出来

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:47:51

那你抵制的为啥不是性行为?性不就是典型的 “基因”在作怪吗。既然生命已经被繁殖,你凭什么将其毁灭…

[-] Tall-Abbreviations16 | 1 points | May 06 2022 01:04:01

只做爱不生育 是对基因的反抗 只享用基因给的快感不完成其目的 另外我是非常崇敬那些脱离了性快感的人的 他们往往更接近神性 超脱了人性

[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 05 2022 18:08:17


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:01:08


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[-] kacievo | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:14:05


[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:38:47


[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:42:58

聽著就是。不是的話早就被罵racist了,對左逼來說being trans/black/gay 是一層光環,沒那麼輕易觸碰。

[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:54:36

真想分一点脑细胞给举牌子的 心善看不下去了

[-] Realistic_Bell_9256 | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:00:20


[-] rebilion-wang | 8 points | May 05 2022 15:19:07


[-] Realistic_Bell_9256 | 6 points | May 05 2022 15:20:08


[-] rebilion-wang | 2 points | May 05 2022 15:23:21


[-] SuzukiKotlin | 3 points | May 05 2022 16:10:26

黑人也有很多基督徒 很多参军老兵 并不只是很多小黄人脑子里的小混混形象

[-] AutoModerator | 2 points | May 05 2022 16:10:26

t退役军人的苦逼,福建省人民医院骨科的庸医,陈鹏,石树培,林海仙,害的我出了医疗事故,把我搞得半死不活。在做腰椎手术之前左腿虽然很痛伸不直,右腿的大腿内侧 也痛但是能伸直。而现在是腿一边长一边短,右腰一直痛,关节和全身都痛而软,这样的庸医留着有何用

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[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:07:31


[-] NeverDI9 | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:17:16


[-] Dry-Site-9467 | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:17:42


[-] Sea-Corgi1486 | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:22:53


[-] Quick-Accident2555 | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:22:53


[-] Candid_Salamander486 | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:33:28

支持左逼堕胎 黑人是被堕得最多的种族 右狗一点远见都没有 不知道左逼三个主张 限制警察纵容犯罪 大麻合法化 和堕胎合法化都是在慢慢消灭黑人

[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:37:02


[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:40:46


[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:50:21

得看是哪种左逼了 就像乌克兰俄罗斯这个事 再迟钝的人也该发现国际逼灯就是等着普京犯傻逼 顺便布局收割了 最想阻止战争的肯定不是这群左逼 反而因为国内矛盾爆发还巴不得打起来甩锅

换句话说这些人按他们宣传的意识形态标准看都是右逼 比我们这些假右都右到不知道哪去了。意识形态完全是忽悠傻逼搞统战的工具

[-] rebilion-wang | 1 points | May 05 2022 15:43:18


[-] FritzKolaClubMate | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:33:11

Stay hungry, stay foolish.


[-] Plane_Anxiety_yuri | 1 points | May 05 2022 13:41:40


[-] generalconfusedgoose | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:02:09




[-] Jbweatholyshiyzz | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:19:26


[-] FritzKolaClubMate | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:31:31


[-] Jbweatholyshiyzz | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:40:24


[-] Difficult-Sleep-7060 | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:45:00


[-] Wintillnumb | 1 points | May 05 2022 15:31:12

All Black Lives Matter or just some black lives. black man killed by black man matters right?

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 14:56:11








黑人:果然。 George floyd的命重要吧?

左b: 是啊…

黑人:那被杀掉的黑宝宝不重要了是吧,你们这些“学医”的? 它们的未来不重要吗?


后面懒得翻了 意思差不多就是黑人说他们其实根本不care黑命

[-] Kuroneko_502 | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:05:25


[-] Tadaoki_Z | 1 points | May 05 2022 15:05:51


[-] Reality_Fabric420 | 1 points | May 05 2022 19:56:39

No, banning abortion is saving the black baby's live, but at a cost of the black mamas life, left alone the baby probably didn't asked for being born. You can't do such calculation. A poor respond by the opposite doesn't mean that the question has a sound logic, Shina pigs never understand.

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:16:55

Well I mean none of us asked to be born so we might as well just kill ourselves right? That's your logic? Good luck with that.

And no, not at the cost of black mom's lives, they are not dying like the babies you retard. Should people be able to kill when some other person gave them inconveniences? Sure as hell do following your twisted logic.

[-] Reality_Fabric420 | 1 points | May 06 2022 00:12:17

No, we didn't asked for this. And A. yes people can choose to kill oneself should they found his/her life is pointless, B. this is not mandatory because we now have conscious, which is the findamen difference between us and an embryo (and I guess thats a debate on how you define life)

As for the black mother, you are right she doesn't necessarily has to die giving birth, but haveing to look after a baby for 18 years or beyond is surely a devastating degrade for most of the young mother's career, and even fathers (as Dave Chappelle put it: come out of your vagina and step onto your dream), and not simply 'inconveniences' as you said. So yes I think that amount of sacrifice is equivalent to death sentence for most of the young parents, and they should be able to prevent that situation at will (before the baby becomes too human in the womb i guess).

Plus, you have to admit rape victims can be impregnated, in which case the victims have every right to abort the baby.

[-] Reality_Fabric420 | 1 points | May 06 2022 00:36:18

I should add—— and I hate to do this, you can never ban abortion. I mean yes you can ban safe abortions in the hospitals, but that drives people to underground abortions. The unlicensed surgeon might kill the babe and the mother. And by the clip's token, where is black lives matter in this case?

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 06 2022 01:47:03

A, perhaps they could, but YOU should not decide for THEM that their lives aren't worth living.

B, The notion that raising children is equivalent to a death sentence is simply absurd. It is ‘inconveniences’ when compared to taking another life. Plus, YOU CAN PUT THE BABY UP FOR ADOPTION. Are you then gonna argue the pain of child birth is worth killing a life? Really?

The fundamental values of the West are that human beings have intrinsic rights, if you believe so, the logical conclusion is that an embryo deserves to live because you cannot deny it is a human life.

My problem isn't with the legalization of abortion per se, but the moral corruption that seems to have pervaded the left. Admittedly, when it comes to rape victims, the moral compass within me shifts a little. But the conclusion remains the same. It is Immoral. You may argue that in some cases it is a necessary evil, but you cannot on any moral ground claim that abortion in a human right; doing so necessarily means it is good. In no way does a person’s right to choose exceeds one’s right to live.

[-] Reality_Fabric420 | 1 points | May 06 2022 03:57:13

A. as I said, self-consciousness is the fundamental difference between us and unborn babies. You also agree we cannot decide for them whether they should have their lives. Then in case of accicental pregnancies, the better option is to end it. Because we cannot decide for the baby if it wants to be borned, going the other way might end up with greater pain for the baby and people at stake (an unhappy life, criminal etc). And after the baby is born, whether it is legally or economically tied to the parents or not does not matter. Giving birth to a soul that will persist and perish is a huge mental burden to a person. You might say this cannot justify killing. But leagal abortion is not yet legally defined as killing.

B. As I wrote I realised this is just we believe in different things, is it a life, or not? I believe unborn babies are pro-lives rather than strictly human lives, there is nother sacred to it. So this kind of debate leads us to nowhere and I understand where your arguments come from. (and yes I would argue that giving birth can be terribly painful to some person, which might cause long-term conditions, leading to resentment from mother to the child or the other way around. These are opportunity costs one cannot ignore).

Problem is, I don't think suporting the idea of abortion is an upright moral corruption. It is not about taking it all the way to having abortion as much as one wish, but to recognize the fact that having abortion or not should be up to the mother themselves to decide, not some old man across the Pennsylvania boulevard. And how the mother would act depends on her own moral creed (which should be left for religions or ideologies to compete upon). Demonising abortion is dangerous, the heart beat bill in Texas is already causing casualty. The idea is to stop this sort of tragic.

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 06 2022 05:20:13

I understand that this debate leads to nowhere as there's an axiomatic divide between the two sides. If a united country is about both sides making compromisation, then the decision to overturn Roe v Wade is good in long-term, as the decision whether it is human life or not and whether it has intrinsic rights not to be terminated rests on the state, and thus the people within them. People with ideological differences will be sorted into Blue and Red States, and we shall truly see the consequences of different belief systems on society.

[-] Good_day_to_be_gay | 1 points | May 06 2022 07:22:43

Thanks for the time spent trying to educate Shina pigs although it was wasted

[-] Reality_Fabric420 | 1 points | May 08 2022 04:23:55

Actually the op has got some good points but the one-sided comments cringed me.

[-] NyantaNyes | 1 points | May 05 2022 23:47:10

那你抵制的为啥不是性行为?性不就是典型的 “基因”在作怪吗。既然生命已经被繁殖,你凭什么将其毁灭…