Colonel_Kidd_ | 1 points | May 05 2022 03:42:26

Trump goes 55-0, no endorsements lost

According to an early tabulation of his betting on the 2022 primaries, his endorsed candidates have all won or moved into runoffs.

That’s a 55-0 record.

The headliner from yesterday’s elections was the surprising victory of Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance. The 37-year-old first-time candidate endorsed by Trump took the GOP primary in Ohio.

“President Trump’s historic endorsement streak of success continues unabated,” former White House Political Director Brian Jack told Secrets today.

“He’s 55-0 in midterm primaries -- undeniable proof that his endorsement is the most powerful endorsement in politics,” he added.

Just yesterday, Secrets reported a Rasmussen Reports survey that suggested an endorsement from Trump is not just valuable, but much more than one from unpopular President Joe Biden.

Vance’s victory also was a win for Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has also joined in the endorsement business to back ‘America First’ candidates.

On Twitter today she congratulated Vance on his primary win and said, “I’m building a team, and it’s not just in the House. We will have a team that exist in both chambers, and only serves the people. Which makes it far more effective than any America-Last squad could ever

Of the 55, five Trump backed candidates have been pushed into runoffs and Team Trump does not view them as losses. “We count runoffs as a win too -- they didn’t lose,” said a Trump adviser.

Trump does have one notable endorsement in trouble, Georgia gubernatorial candidate David Perdue, who is trailing Gov. Brian Kemp leading up to the May 24 GOP primary. But his other big endorsement in Georgia, former football standout Herschel Walker, is leading as are many of his other picks.

GOP candidates for months have lined up at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and winter residence for an endorsement audience. And when they get one, they cheer loudly.

For example, yesterday the former president backed a former aide, Jim Bognet, who is running in the Pennsylvania House seat that represents Biden’s old hometown of Scranton. Bognet said, “I'm honored to have the support of President Donald Trump. I was proud to work in his administration fighting for the America First agenda and I will continue that fight in Congress. On to victory!”

Below is the list of Trump’s 55 endorsed gubernatorial, Senate, House, and local candidates. An asterisk indicates a runoff:

IN-02: Walorski, Jackie

IN-03: Banks, Jim

IN-04: Baird, Jim

IN-05: Spartz, Victoria

IN-06: Pence, Greg

IN-08: Bucshon, Larry

OH-SENATE: Vance, J.D.

OH-SOS: LaRose, Frank

OH-AG: Yost, Dave

OH-TREAS: Sprague, Robert

OH-AUD: Faber, Keith

OH-01: Chabot, Steve

OH-02: Wenstrup, Brad

OH-04: Jordan, Jim

OH-05: Latta, Bob

OH-06: Johnson, Bill

OH-07: Miller, Max

OH-08: Davidson, Warren

OH-10: Turner, Mike

OH-12: Balderson, Troy

OH-13: Gilbert, Madison Gesiotto

OH-15: Carey, Mike

TX-GOV: Abbott, Greg

TX-LG: Patrick, Dan

TX-AG: Paxton, Ken*

TX-Ag: Miller, Sid

TX-Comp: Hegar, Glenn

TX-LC: Buckingham, Dawn*

TX-04: Fallon, Pat

TX-05: Gooden, Lance

TX-06: Ellzey, Jake

TX-10: McCaul, Michael

TX-11: Pfluger, August

TX-12: Granger, Kay

TX-13: Jackson, Ronny

TX-14: Weber, Randy

TX-15: De La Cruz, Monica

TX-19: Arrington, Jodey

TX-22: Nehls, Troy

TX-24: Van Duyne, Beth

TX-25: Williams, Roger

TX-26: Burgess, Michael

TX-27: Cloud, Michael

TX-31: Carter, John

TX-36: Babin, Brian

TX-38: Hunt, Wesley

TX-SD-08: Paxton, Angela

TX-SD-11: Middleton, Mayes

TX-SD-24: Flores, Pete*

TX-SD-31: Sparks, Kevin

TX-HD-15: Toth, Steve

TX-HD-31: Guillen, Ryan*

TX-HD-61: Frazier, Frederick

TX-Tarrant Co-Judge: O’Hare, Tim

TX-Tarrant Co-DA: Sorrells, Phil*

[-] FormosanMacaque | 1 points | May 05 2022 03:55:31

我川威武,但我覺得下任美國總統還是Ron DeSantis.

[-] ShowMeThePath_1 | 1 points | May 05 2022 05:01:46


[-] W4ULFiLZ | 1 points | May 05 2022 19:49:26


[-] OmbakataraL | 1 points | May 05 2022 05:00:05


[-] ShowMeThePath_1 | 1 points | May 05 2022 05:00:25
