zed_2077 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:37:15
在语言学习软件遇到的genzedong irl part 2[-] DrWilsonEdwards | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:39:34
什么hello talk
[-] zed_2077 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:39:56
[-] DrWilsonEdwards | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:45:41
[-] MundaneAssociation71 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:40:46
[-] IcyAsk696 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:56:25
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:56:48
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[-] qwera459 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:59:19
[-] Xi_Zhong_Xun | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:01:00
[-] TimWinnie8964 | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:21:23
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:21:23
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[-] TimWinnie8964 | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:28:42
bad bot👊🏻😤
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:28:43
确实挺尬的,终于有人说这一点了。 能看出来本sub想极力模仿隔壁bot的节目效果,可是mod又没混过抽象tv和其他泛抽象圈,导致每次bot出现的地方都极其的尴尬,有一种东施效颦强行幽默的别扭感。还不如直接关了,真的不好笑!
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[-] FrostingCreative1328 | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:12:38
Natural selection at its finest.
[-] generalconfusedgoose | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:40:11
[-] Outrageous_Oil_7125 | 1 points | May 04 2022 14:43:49
[-] Smiling_Handsome_bro | 1 points | May 04 2022 15:16:21
[-] SonicFinn311 | 1 points | May 04 2022 16:18:30
[-] TopSolid512 | 1 points | May 04 2022 21:48:25
who wants to talk communism 英语母语会写出这样的句子?
[-] FewFap5176 | 1 points | May 04 2022 22:10:05
[-] dblababy | 1 points | May 05 2022 01:55:25
At least he’s actually going
[-] zed_2077 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:37:42
图一:看到他说想搬去支那,我以为他是被CCP propaganda骗了,所以告诉想学中文可以去台湾,结果发生了图二对话
图二:没想到一上来他就跟我说America bad , China good,“没有共产党就没有新中国”,"1984 is propaganda"我直接傻了😅
图三:我以为他只是一个genzedong irl,没想到他开始套我的信息,结合他的英语有一些语病并且很像机翻,他很有可能是钓鱼/传播propaganda的晶哥
图四:这个人看起来很像是真正的genzedong irl,我懒得和他,想要骂他的去软件tandem搜他的账号
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:37:42
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[-] zed_2077 | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:39:09
good bot
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 04 2022 13:39:09
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[-] Ziyv | 1 points | May 05 2022 02:04:13
引流来的都是什么贵物 一口一口咱就是说