Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:04:12

忏悔录 关于堕胎 Sin is falling short of God’s holy standards. It separates us from a relationship with God

[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:05:03

Sin is falling short of God’s holy standards. It separates us from a relationship with God. Isaiah 59:2

[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:05:51

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.

Jeremiah 1:5

[-] cantonesedude | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:07:25


[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:14:25

可能你的人生阅历还没有到合适的阶段 终有一天你会明白悔悟的 God bless you

[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:10:18

我在这里承认 我曾经参与到堕胎的抉择中 而且不止一次 这是将伴随我一生的罪恶 我不寻求任何宽恕 只希望他们在天堂能够快乐

[-] cantonesedude | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:22:15


[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:27:59

我的罪恶很多 远不止这些 所以我对自己所遭受的一切都坦然面对 我不寻求宽恕 只是期望自己还关爱的人能在天堂安息

[-] cantonesedude | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:29:35


[-] Thebestjokeisme | 1 points | May 03 2022 21:10:20

Narcissistic egoist

[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:21:30

看到今天大量网上关于abortion的讨论 我是感到悲哀的 而且更加深了自己的罪恶感 希望以后能减少一些悲剧的重演 罪过罪过

Sin deceives us, making us think that wrong is right and right is wrong.

Proverbs 14:12

[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:23:34


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:23:35


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[-] right_dog_shina | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:40:58

欢迎教老嗨来右狗TV基础建设 r/rightdogTV

[-] Bob_bbbb | 1 points | May 03 2022 18:45:23

谢邀 加了

[-] FriendshipPitiful719 | 1 points | May 03 2022 19:17:59


[-] FriendshipPitiful719 | 1 points | May 04 2022 01:26:39
