Unfair-Disk-7499 | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:08:54


1两人都很矮。 2一开始两人都受尽委屈,后来被上升为圣人。 3两人虽然不是一把手,但都带领团队起飞,成功为团队续命。 4都被黑恶势力诋毁,但黑恶势力更多是通过他们来否定整个团队。 5比起刚正不阿喜欢打人的一把手,他们非常低调,从不正面回应造谣与中伤。 6比起青睐传统文化的一把手,他们更喜欢家乡,(宅舞,新干线) 7两人都很轻,一个可以被女生轻松抱起,另一个可以草上飞 8尬然小姐的猫喜欢吃鼠鼠,碾平也喜欢鼠片

[-] Maleficent-Skirt6083 | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:10:25


[-] Conscious_Ad4727 | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:11:53


[-] fdeYyY14 | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:14:02


[-] Alhazar | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:23:18


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:23:18


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[-] Alhazar | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:23:36

bad bot

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:23:39


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[-] Unfair-Disk-7499 | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:26:48

good bot

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 02 2022 11:26:48

Fuck you, I'm not a bot. Or am I? You see, bot is an abbreviation of the word "robot" which literally means "forced labour" in Czech. Are we robots? We are told what to do, we often do something we don't want to. We are forced to do a labour. We're technically robots. And as always, Fuck you.

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[-] Both-Statistician328 | 1 points | May 02 2022 12:53:02


[-] Unfair-Disk-7499 | 1 points | May 02 2022 13:52:26


[-] Ok-Fool-624 | 1 points | May 02 2022 17:47:43


[-] AdCreative8674 | 1 points | May 03 2022 13:15:54
