Ok-Company2297 | 1 points | May 01 2022 20:04:25

深圳今年第一次土拍结束了,没有任何一家民营房企买地! 一切都结束了! 好日子要来喽!

[-] Then-Independence182 | 1 points | May 01 2022 20:18:10


[-] TimeDependentQuantum | 1 points | May 01 2022 23:33:58

大的来了 大的要来了!

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 23:33:58


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[-] Unusual-Ad-9288 | 1 points | May 02 2022 02:11:31


[-] 1989fuckccp | 1 points | May 02 2022 04:35:54
