bigpigneverdie | 1 points | May 01 2022 04:48:18


[-] AsgardScientist | 1 points | May 01 2022 04:55:39


[-] timtomcook | 1 points | May 01 2022 11:50:16


[-] SevereDatabase2060 | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:01:09


[-] burntpussy | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:02:46

等这一天来临 我就退网

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:02:47


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[-] cringeclown666 | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:33

河南人 广西人 东北人 沙东 臭批 bad bot good bot t退役军人的苦逼 大的来了 猴 神系 xjp 习近平 习包子 我叫王 宇宙很大 引流贵物 浪人 S蛆 可以吗 开香槟咯 妈妈 不会吧。 😅其实我早就是日本人了我都入了日本国籍了 炒作狗

here's Bot

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:34


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:34


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:34

好臭!嗯~~ 好臭!

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:34


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:35

t退役军人的苦逼,福建省人民医院骨科的庸医,陈鹏,石树培,林海仙,害的我出了医疗事故,把我搞得半死不活。在做腰椎手术之前左腿虽然很痛伸不直,右腿的大腿内侧 也痛但是能伸直。而现在是腿一边长一边短,右腰一直痛,关节和全身都痛而软,这样的庸医留着有何用

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:35

哈哈 红迪狗都不看 我上红迪只封人

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:35

你是什么浪人?cringeclown666 发不出资历你吗今晚就得死

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:36


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:36


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:36


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:36


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:37


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 16:44:37


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[-] CrazyuniversePooh | 1 points | May 02 2022 03:35:57


[-] the_psycholist | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:05:42


[-] wangbaozhang | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:10:38


[-] Mars_critic273 | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:43:56


[-] Impossible-Phase-350 | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:12:16


[-] Immediate-Deer-5015 | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:16:44


[-] Key-Mud-6810 | 1 points | May 01 2022 05:40:36


[-] sfriend460 | 1 points | May 01 2022 06:03:35


[-] Reasonable_Art_2850 | 1 points | May 01 2022 06:59:26


[-] czczczxxx | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:06:10


[-] Accomplished-Fly-506 | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:09:36


[-] loadofthewing | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:16:43


[-] qingzhidaowomen | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:18:46


[-] Zealousideal-Top2992 | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:20:39


[-] GlitteringSpite4025 | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:26:42


[-] StringFlashy7148 | 1 points | May 01 2022 07:52:38


[-] AvavaAva0612 | 1 points | May 01 2022 08:49:31


[-] dffgfh_4368 | 1 points | May 01 2022 08:55:20


[-] Repulsive_Ad_7541 | 1 points | May 01 2022 11:51:36


[-] antirrationalist | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:01:32


[-] ianhohkccym | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:12:11




[-] HidouMahilo | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:35:48


[-] Strong_Time7713 | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:36:43


[-] kratos9394 | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:39:15


[-] Numerous-Shop1812 | 1 points | May 01 2022 09:53:28


[-] Puzzleheaded_Ad3282 | 1 points | May 01 2022 10:04:42


[-] Creepy_Medicine8243 | 1 points | May 01 2022 10:31:09


[-] Old-Salary-5990 | 1 points | May 01 2022 10:47:43


[-] Old-Salary-5990 | 1 points | May 01 2022 10:48:06


[-] iillaws | 1 points | May 01 2022 13:58:47


[-] driftingwolveine | 1 points | May 01 2022 10:59:09


[-] Repulsive-Park-7429 | 1 points | May 01 2022 11:10:59


[-] cltv8964 | 1 points | May 01 2022 11:13:14


[-] loveletter- | 1 points | May 01 2022 11:14:33


[-] antiZhiNa | 1 points | May 01 2022 12:03:31


[-] AdPositive7999 | 1 points | May 01 2022 12:19:48


[-] JiabaoStudio | 1 points | May 01 2022 12:24:55


[-] Over-Maintenance5910 | 1 points | May 01 2022 12:40:17


[-] Traditional-Pear-858 | 1 points | May 01 2022 14:56:40


[-] xijinping_xi | 1 points | May 01 2022 15:07:23


[-] Think-Lawyer-3002 | 1 points | May 01 2022 15:18:24


[-] WEWCEW | 1 points | May 01 2022 15:29:18


[-] whileforestlife | 1 points | May 01 2022 15:55:06


[-] Kelorgen | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:37

河南人 广西人 东北人 沙东 臭批 bad bot good bot t退役军人的苦逼 大的来了 猴 神系 xjp 习近平 习包子 我叫王 宇宙很大 引流贵物 浪人 S蛆 可以吗 开香槟咯 妈妈 不会吧。 😅其实我早就是日本人了我都入了日本国籍了 炒作狗

here's Bot

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:37


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:38


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:38

好臭!嗯~~ 好臭!

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:38


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:38

t退役军人的苦逼,福建省人民医院骨科的庸医,陈鹏,石树培,林海仙,害的我出了医疗事故,把我搞得半死不活。在做腰椎手术之前左腿虽然很痛伸不直,右腿的大腿内侧 也痛但是能伸直。而现在是腿一边长一边短,右腰一直痛,关节和全身都痛而软,这样的庸医留着有何用

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:38

哈哈 红迪狗都不看 我上红迪只封人

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:39

你是什么浪人?Kelorgen 发不出资历你吗今晚就得死

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:39


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:39


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:39


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40

Fuck you, I'm not a bot.

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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 01 2022 22:17:40


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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 02 2022 04:21:01


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | May 02 2022 04:21:01


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