WEWCEW | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:43:11
加速主义只会让中共更加杀鸡取卵,体系本来就不需要让所有人都爽,死穴,底层幻想自己有制衡力量,然而你没选票只有狗命,即便大部分人都不爽,也改变不了什么。只会逼中共更狠的用底层的未来换取一部分人持续爽下去[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:48:45
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:48:46
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[-] New_Helicopter_894 | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:50:48
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:50:48
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[-] Hopeful_Tale_1934 | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:52:30
想靠加速让纸马灭亡的都是痴人说梦。加速只在德国日本这种本来就有民主化的希望的国家有用,引来美军输入秩序。在洼地想靠加速消灭ccp简直是可笑,从战国到现在连续加速2000多年了,洼地的加速又不受光速限制,秦朝人还能在路上带剑,宋朝就只能带朴刀,1997禁枪,2010年一把小刀都能管制刀具,现在甚至以小区为单位关集中营围城。 芝麻阿克曼函数一般的加速速度改变什么了?不还是越来越顺民
[-] WEWCEW | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:42
[-] Hopeful_Tale_1934 | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 12:09:48
[-] WEWCEW | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 12:21:01
[-] SurvinK | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 12:27:50
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 12:27:50
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[-] Clemens777Bao | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 15:09:57
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:48
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:49
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:54
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:54
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:58:59
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:00
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:11
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:11
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:16
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:17
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[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:21
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:59:22
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[-] helicd | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 12:02:00
[-] Fluffy_Raccoon5192 | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 13:09:36
[-] SuckMyPUXI | 1 points | Apr 28 2022 04:20:21
说了一万遍 习近平必须死 符合全世界利益 无脑加速纯属脑残
[-] xjpwinniethepooh | 1 points | Apr 27 2022 11:44:09