yorkkie | 1 points | Apr 23 2022 16:14:49

让我们一起祈祷支那每天都有breaking news

christian: Father God, thank You that You are our compassionate Father who cares for us. You are our source of wisdom. You say in Your Word that You will give wisdom to anyone who asks. So now I ask for wisdom for my friend 🕷️ as they face this difficult decision in their lives – may they cast their cares on You.

Islamics:Before initiating the salat, it is important that you have the intention to pray. Raise your hands up next to your ears and shoulders, then say Allāhu akbar (الله أَكْبَر). This translates to "Allah is the greatest." Do this while standing (or sitting if you can't stand).

buddhists:O Blessed One, Shakyamuni Buddha, Precious treasury of compassion, Bestower of supreme inner peace, You, who love all beings without exception, Are the source of happiness and goodness; And you guide us to the liberating path.

falun dafa:天降陨石雨应验中南海大动荡,中国将巨变!

miles guo: 战友们大家好啊,这个月将有大事发生,共产党你完辣!

[-] KWJisTrash | 1 points | Apr 23 2022 16:16:45


[-] JAUKUS983 | 1 points | Apr 23 2022 16:22:49
