DriedFish101 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:29:32

分享一个在r/shanghai看见的一个故事, 主人公叫nathan ackley, 一名摄影师。有兴趣的去看他的Instagram, 11年的宏迪老嗨。

我曾经在中国做摄影师。作为一个外国人,我在社交媒体上获得了 8 万粉丝。有一天我正在使用无人机的时候被捕了。 因为习近平就在附近。行吧。他们拘留了我。问我问题。起初一切似乎都很好。我拿这事和朋友开玩笑。他们以为我是间谍。哈哈真是够好笑的。然后在我被拘留期间,他们开始打电话向酒店要我在中国期间的所有监控录像。他们开始打电话给我接触过的每一位出租车司机,问他们关于我的问题。我看到他们用我的微信找到我的位置,购买记录,用来联系我遇过的每一个人。我开始意识到他们的控制有多深。这不再好笑了。被释放后的几个月。我接到一个快递员的电话。告诉我到外面去。有点奇怪。快递员从不叫我出去过。经过思想斗争后,我不耐烦地走到外面去拿这个包裹。一个男人在那里等我。他问我的名字。我告诉他。我立即被逮捕。 8 个看似在街上的路人,但实际上是警察,跳起来把我扑在地上。他们把我放在一辆面包车里,然后把我带走。他们说我被指控贩毒。嗯。这很奇怪,我以前从来没有贩毒过。他们告诉我,我使用的处方药是通过贩毒集团流通的,而卖药的人是通缉犯。不知道这跟我有什么关系。我的处方是由医生签字的。他们带我走。在没有食物和水的情况下我被关了大约一天。他们反复审问我。他们要求我提供所有社交媒体密码。这跟我的指控有什么关系?他们告诉我,在我交出所有密码之前,他们不会释放我。没有律师的权利。无权联系领事馆。我完全在他们的控制之下。我开始意识到我完蛋了。他们是认真的。我被指控贩毒并且他们是认真的。了解到了现实的残酷,在将近 10 个月的时间里,我一直是政府软禁的婊子。他们指派了一名警察到我家。我不得不征求他的同意才能做事。我变得极度沮丧并将自己与世界隔离开来。面具脱落了,政府的阴暗面向我显露出来。 10 个月来,我每天都感到害怕,我的情况折磨着我的心理。他们告诉我这个指控很严重。这是死刑。我最终找到了一位律师,他们说他们无能为力,因为我的罪行从未被正式报道过,我什至没有被定罪。事实上,我在法律上没有获得律师的权利,因为我什至对我的案子都没有定罪。不过他们还是拿走了我的钱。最终,Covid-19 袭击了武汉。我趁着混乱威胁监视我的警察,说要让领事馆介入,因为他们想召回所有居住在国外的美国公民。因为他们还没有正式定我的罪,任何对这件事的曝光会给他们带来比价值还大麻烦。在政府控制下 10 个月后,他们终于解除了我的出境禁令,允许我离开。这段经历改变了我,让我意识到我曾经热爱的中国已经完全改变了。这不安全。不受欢迎。没有人相信他们会那么极端,但在当前的封锁之后,人们开始理解了。我成功脱身了,希望你也一样OP!


I used to be a photographer in China. I got something like 80K followers on social media, as a foreigner. One day was droning. Got arrested. Apparently XijinPing was nearby. OK fair enough. They detain me. Ask me questions. Everything seemed fine at first. I made jokes about it to friends. They thought I was a spy. Haha how funny. Then during my detainment they started calling hotels for all footage of me during China. They started calling every single taxi driver I ever had an asked them questions about me. I saw them use my wechat to find my location, all purchases, to contact everyone I was ever involved with. I started realizing how deep their control goes. It wasn’t funny anymore. After finally being released, a couple months pass. I get a call from a delivery guy. Tells me to go outside. Strange. They never tell me to go outside. After a lot of back and forth I frustratingly go outside to get this package. A man is there waiting for me. He asks my name. I tell him. Immediately after he tells me I’m under arrest. 8 guys who were walking around as civilizens on the street, but we’re actually cops, jump into action and throw me on the ground. They put me in a van and take me away. They say I’m being charged with drug trafficking. Hm. That’s weird, I’ve never drug trafficked before. They tell me the prescription medication I use has been circulated through a drug ring and the person who sold the medication was a wanted criminal. Not sure what this has to do with me. I had my prescriptions signed by a doctor. They take me away. I was locked in a cell without food or water for about a day. They interrogated me repeatedly. They ask for all my social media passwords. What does this have to do with my charge? They tell me they won’t release me until all my passwords were handed over. No rights to a lawyer. No rights to contact consulate. I was completely at their control. I started to realize I was fucked. They were serious. I’m being charged for drug trafficking and they aren’t fucking around. Reality sets in and for almost 10 months I was the governments bitch on house arrest. They assigned me a police officer to my home. I had to ask him for permission to do things. I became insanely depressed and isolated myself from the world. The mask came off and the dark side of the government revealed itself to me. For 10 months I was terrified daily, undergoing psychological torture about the state of my affairs. They told me this accusation is serious. It’s the death penalty. I eventually get a lawyer and they said they can’t do anything because my crime was never officially reported and I’m not even convicted. In fact I’m not legally allowed rights to a lawyer because I don’t even have a conviction with my case. They still took my money though. Eventually Covid-19 hit in Wuhan. The confusion allowed me to leave as I threatened my police officer to get the consulate involved as they wanted to recall all American citizens living abroad. Since they haven’t convicted me officially, any light brought to them was more trouble than it’s worth. After 10 months under government control, they finally removed my exit ban and allowed me to leave. This experience changed me and made me realize the China I once loved has completely changed. It’s not safe. It’s not welcome. No one believed they would be that extreme, but after the current lockdowns, people are starting to understand. I managed to get out, I hope you do too OP!

[-] DriedFish101 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:30:46


[-] Agitated-Abies6690 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:32:01


[-] XtraJudoPunch | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:32:13


[-] DriedFish101 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:32:50


[-] gomesher | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:37:21


[-] Zestyclose-Refuse269 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:37:55


[-] SissyGayLoad | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:41:28


[-] fislinter | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:55:14



[-] weini198964 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:57:58


[-] weini198964 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 03:56:04


[-] Punics89 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 04:47:01


[-] Fancy_Invite9226 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 04:16:31

同情他 最多只能说是天真而非愚蠢

[-] sluttywhore420 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 04:31:37


[-] tamechinchilla | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 04:49:34


[-] xxxxppp | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 05:25:08


[-] Uchi_Jeon | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 05:29:59


[-] Safe-Imagination-637 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 10:25:39


[-] Safe-Imagination-637 | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 10:25:47


[-] WalterMckeown | 1 points | Apr 14 2022 13:19:26
