FriendlySomewhere870 | 1 points | Apr 09 2022 16:26:46

每天一篇英文日本恐怖故事--The girl in red in the forest

A group of friends went for a drive along a certain mountain road. Cassette tapes were still expensive at the time, and the radio cassette player blasted a MY BEST tape throughout the car. The road was so narrow that two opposing cars were unable to pass at the same time, but there was no-one else on the road so they enjoyed a leisurely drive. Then, the man sitting in the back seat grabbed his head and started shaking. “What’s wrong?” his friends asked, and he told them. “I saw someone in the forest wearing red clothes. I was wondering who it might be at this hour, and when I looked closer, I saw a girl of elementary school age… but she was floating. She looked at me with blank eyes, and for just a moment our eyes met. Ever since then, I can feel her looking at me…” “Well, you’re the only one who saw her, maybe you were mistaken?” “No, I saw what I saw. We’ve been to a lot of ghost spots over the years, but this is the most scared I’ve ever been. She’s still looking at me. She’s somewhere back there, floating, still looking at me.” They started talking about going back. The young man in the back was against it, but the driver was curious and so they returned. They turned around and drove slowly, but no-one saw anything. As they steadily proceeded up the road, the pitch-black forest spread out around them, but there was nothing. “Sorry, but it looks like you were the only one to see anything,” one of his friends said. Suddenly, a girl’s voice came out of the cassette player. “W e l c o m e b a c k.” The group fled the scene as fast as they could, but when they later checked the cassette, there was no sign of any girl’s voice.