VladislavKokolevskiy | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 15:02:27
【日本宮城、福島6級以上地震 海嘯預計到達時間】根據日本氣象廳的數據,晚上 11 點 36 分左右地震導致的每個觀測點的海嘯到達時間和漲潮時間估計如下。[-] FengqinYundan | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 15:27:09
[-] Conscious_Ad4727 | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 15:41:26
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 16:00:16
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 16:00:16
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[-] 7071558yxy | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 16:04:38
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Mar 16 2022 15:03:29
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