ugohome | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:48:44
🐷老外, 健康码![-] ugohome | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:50:53
我非常尊重中国法律,但是感觉个老外坐车被当成病毒特别不爽,希望你们能懂得 .我早上打了一辆出租车,没有人问我要密码。请不要找借口,而是要倾听和理解。
of course I support virus effort, but I feel singled out as a foreigner. I took a cab in the morning and nobody asked me for the code. Please don't make excuses, but listen & understand.
[-] FatFingerHelperBot | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:51:12
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "抖音"
^Please ^PM ^\/u\/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Code ^| ^Delete
[-] BidenTrump996 | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:52:34
[-] ugohome | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:53:46
[-] Domtroop | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:58:48
您这就外宾了。中国人民币享受的,洋大人终于也享受到了,中国人民站起来了! 太平洋没加盖儿,不服游回去呀!
[-] ugohome | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 06:02:29
&rt; 太平洋没加盖儿,不服游回去呀!
[-] Weierxunaidehua | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 06:06:22
不是天天恨白皮恨的要死吗 怎么一个反问就被拿捏住了
[-] wepchonk | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 06:39:49
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 07:55:35
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 07:55:36
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[-] nji982537 | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 07:56:58
[-] Tall-Introduction160 | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 09:25:30
大鍋崛起辣 洋人也要像老佛爺低頭辣
[-] RatOfSewer | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 10:39:07
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Mar 15 2022 05:49:27
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