Arisquotle | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 13:48:20


Now is the best chance to launch a all-out war. The whole world, wherever, has been fucking a mess. When the world is suffering from COVID-19 and racism, we get an amazing chance to make it. Launch 1000 missiles to Russia in the north, 1000 missiles to the US , Japan and Australia the Kangaroo in the east, 1000 missiles to India in the south, 1000 missiles to the UK, France, Germany and the whole Europe in the west. Make a great and thorough war. There are six billion people in the world now, we must kill at least six billions people at the highest speed, and about 1.4 billion people in our country will die, with about 100 million people left. Concerning the pollution, the radiation, the illness, the hunger and the skirmishes, there are about 50 million people dying. A nation going through such a great war will become stronger and fearless. About 50 million people dispersing to every corner of the world will be able to conquer the whole world. The world will be as flourishing as before within 100 years. And this will be a brilliant plan. The only tip of the war is to be daring.

[-] Geeusb | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 13:50:02


[-] Arisquotle | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 13:50:30


[-] Zealousideal-Way1357 | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 13:55:22


[-] DisasterFine493 | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 14:46:17


[-] Arisquotle | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 14:48:17


[-] R1sktakerX | 1 points | Mar 13 2022 19:49:01

别翻译了 这位纳粹至少敢打俄罗斯 虽然纳是纳了点 但至少没说出联俄抗全球的话