Important-War-4326 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 14:54:43

【原偷】Giant Black Cock

[-] Important-War-4326 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 14:56:21

I need a fucking black cock. I need a–is there a–is there Any black cock in here? Hey, can we do that when we edit This out? When we edit this, just like Don’t even use this audience, Just smash cut to the, like a Martin Lawrence show audience, It’s just all-black people just Laughing hysterically at me? ’cause that looks so much Cooler, and people would be, “I Don’t know he was like– I guess he’s a big, like, urban Act, this doug stanhope.” But I need a picture of a black Cock, if you have a–if there’s Black cock in here and you want A model after this show. I mean–this is–wasn’t even a Bit when I first started asking. It was a serious– I need a picture of me with a Fat black cock just slapped Across my open mouth, sideways, Like, ahhh. Like a fucking bratwurst, A at packer tailgating– Ahhh! It doesn’t have to be giant. It’s just sizeable. It has to be photogenic Veiny black cock. Your face doesn’t have to be in It. Just–we can crop that out. Just me, ahhh. I have a picture I keep in my Wallet of my father’s corpse. My father died in 2001. He was just a fat nice guy. He died at 73. He had colon cancer. It had just fucking tore him Apart. He was a fat nice guy. He was always nice, and he made Blueberry pancakes, and he Didn’t have opinions, he just Smiled, and he’s fat, and then, He was down to like 78 pounds, And I have a picture of me Kissing him on the forehead, Moments after he died. I’m all full of fucking tears. And I keep that picture in my Wallet to show people who show Me baby pictures. “oh, you see. Did you know I had a baby? Look at this.” You go, “oh, you had a baby. Well, this is–this is how that Ends. This is what–this is what you Made. That’s what you made. Did you consider that before you Had that hubris to fucking just Create people without their Consent? Because that’s gonna be your Corpse one day, and that’ll be Your crying child not Understanding why someone who’s Done nothing but be really nice To people has to be fucking Raped to death with shit cancer By nature like that, and then it Will be your baby’s corpse with A gray death mask, and when you Touch their cheeks, all the cold Drool that’s built up in their Open mouth spills onto your Hand. Do you want a copy?” And that’s why–that’s why I Want the black cock photo to go As a companion piece. Ahhh. Because I use the word “faggot” Very liberally and I never Attach sexuality to it. It’s just a fun word of Weakness, and it’s happy. I love homosexuality. I promote it. You fuck and you don’t leave Fucking garbage on the earth Because of it. You know, fucking nothing. I don’t have to look at pictures Of the results. Yeah, fucking homosexuality. I fucking–I support Wholeheartedly, and I use the Word “*” when ’s the Appropriate word, like, or if I’m just quoting Mel Gibson. I’m not gonna say, “oh, andthen He said I hope you get raped by A pack of -words.” No, it’s fucking . It’s a sound you can make with Your mouth and fucking get over It. If you’re offended by any word In any language, it’s probably Because your parents were unfit To raise a child. They were too stupid. They should have been neutered Because all it is a sound you Can make with your mouth that You shouldn’t be–it’s not a Weakness that you have Naturally. When you come out of that pink Ugly hole onto this planet, You’re nothing but a gooey Shrieking wrinkled ball of Weakness. That’s all you are. You’re just weak. You’re nothing but weak, and Your parents look at that, and They think not weak enough. We can make this thing even Weaker by training it Pavlovian To react poorly to different Sounds that you can make with Your mouth. We’ll list them up. This is the worst thing. If anyone ever says this sound, Blah la, la la la, That’s the worst thing they can Call you, so make sure to recoil And cry and be hurt and Devastated and eat ice cream on A couch for days and then write A song about it. You wouldn’t do that otherwise. You’d just be happier if your Parents didn’t fuck it up with Their stupid–you’d just be a Happier person. I could just walk right up to You and go, “hey, cunt,” and You’d go, “no, I’m Rebeca, But I guess I have a face that Looks like a lot of different People. What’s your name? Welcome to Salt Lake.” But your parents ruined that, And that’s a–I just need a Fucking picture of the fucking Giant black cock and me just Feasting on it with fucking Magic in my eyes. Ahhh. That way people get upset. You know, if you say faggot, and You say it’s just a sound, but You know what? If you grew up with an Alternative lifestyle like I Did, and you were taunted on a Schoolyard, and you go, “hang On, sugarplum, look right here, Just look at that picture. You relaxed now?” Ah… See? Can I just– Because I don’t care. “” is just, yo, you think That’s–you’re edgy to throw That around, and you know, but You don’t–the history of Hatred with that word, you go, “hang on, look right here. Look, do you know what black Cock tastes like? Then why don’t you study your Roots a little bit more like I Did? And in the meantime, back off.” Who is the faggot now, Huh? Who is the faggot ** now?

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 14:58:42


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[-] shasei_association_8 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 16:31:36


[-] Important-War-4326 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 17:15:37

他讲他爸的故事是为了顺带表达他一贯的反生育观点,并且抛出后面论点: If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents are unfit to raise a child. They were too stupid, they should have been neutered. 也就是说给词汇加上歧视意味是愚蠢的,尤其是在使用人不具有“恶意”的情形下。 这个论点对于迪友的启示在于:打反歧视幌子,行捂嘴(禁止使用🕷️类词汇)之实的行为都是扯淡。因为没有人可以“歧视”自己。

[-] equalizer320 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 22:32:08


[-] Important-War-4326 | 1 points | Mar 12 2022 23:42:38

Doug Stanhope,批站上有他的全套作品