Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 06:45:23



黑客團體 Anonymous聲稱對數次網絡攻擊負責,包括針對親克里姆林宮的俄羅斯媒體發起分佈式拒絕服務攻擊 (DDoS)——其中網站被流量轟炸並變得無法訪問。


自周末推出以來,一個公共 Telegram 頻道,烏克蘭的 IT ARMY Telegram 頻道,已經增長到超過 265,000 名訂閱者——該群組中的每個帳戶不太可能都是真實的。

該頻道鼓勵有同情心的志願者通過 DDoS 攻擊瞄準國家服務和俄羅斯企業,包括能源供應商 Gazprom 和與俄羅斯銀行相關的加密貨幣交易所。

烏克蘭的 IT ARMY 還要求訂閱者大規模舉報“公開謊報烏克蘭戰爭”的俄羅斯 YouTube 頻道違反服務條款。

ABC 無法將所有網絡事件歸咎於特定的烏克蘭支持者。


總部位於基輔的科技公司 Cyber​​ Unit Technologies 的聯合創始人葉戈爾·奧舍夫(Yegor Aushev)表示,他也加入了這場競爭。


他要求技術專家用簡歷回應他的電話,並在書面通信中告訴 ABC,許多人已經接聽了電話,其中一些人在烏克蘭以外的地方。

“到目前為止,我們有大約 1000 多名黑客,這個數字還在增長,他們才剛剛開始工作,”他說。


ABC 無法獨立核實這一說法。

週一,Yeshov 先生在推特上表示,他的公司將向能夠識別俄羅斯軟件漏洞的黑客支付高達 100,000 美元的加密貨幣。


[-] WizerOne | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:02:36

Are the Chinese backing the Russians?

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:07:25

We the Chinese in this Sub do not support Russia, we support Ukraine and peace. But most of the people in China who are bred by nationalism and socialism do support Russia and Putin.

[-] WizerOne | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:11:28

Why did the government say that they agreed with Putin going into the Ukraine! And why is the Chinese internet so overwhelmingly pro Russian, and pro Putin?

[-] UkraineWithoutTheBot | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:11:40

It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine'

Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [Help 2 Ukraine] 💙💛

[Merriam-Webster] [BBC Styleguide]

^(Beep boop I’m a bot)

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:26:23

If you can see the textbooks of "Ideology and Morality" in Chinese elementary and junior high schools and textbooks on "Politics" in high schools and universities, you may understand. Because it is "beautiful" for all children to learn socialism from a young age, and how "corrupt" the capital society in the West (led by the United States) has cultivated a group of children, youth, middle-aged and old people who do not have universal values. And Ukraine's image in China's news propaganda is inclined to the West, which leads to hatred and lack of empathy for the Ukrainian people. Our Sub is not Chinese for the above. 如果你能看到我們中國小學、初中的«思想品德»課本和高中與大學所學的«政治»課本的話,你可能就會理解了。 因為從小會讓所有孩子學習社會主義是多麼“美好”,而西方(美國為首)的資本社會是多麼的“糜爛”從而培養出了一批沒有普世價值觀的孩子、青年、中年、老年。 而烏克蘭在中國新聞宣傳形象是傾向西方的,所以導致那群人對烏克蘭人民的仇恨和缺乏同理心。 我們Sub並不是以上這些的中國人。

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:36:49

We are here because we are against Ukraine as you say against the Chinese and the Chinese government.

[-] PlanktonFlimsy1499 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 16:24:18

Because Russian is against NATO, so do Chinese.

[-] WizerOne | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 16:40:57

Heard that they might now enter into a mutual defense pact, similar to NATO!

[-] Willing-Ad1607 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:12:31

besides, we don't even support China.

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:27:55


[-] eat_fully_gym_hardly | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:36:10

And Zhinese

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:40:07

China=zhina Chinese=zhinese zhizhu=zhina people=zhinese

[-] WizerOne | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:35:36

Do you think China and Russia will enter into a mutual defense treaty similar to NATO? Many in the west now believe this.

[-] Excellent-Truck-310 | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:38:35

Perhaps, the CCP has long been tied to Russia. And both CCP and Putin are dictatorships with similar smells, capable of doing anything outrageous.

[-] WizerOne | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:45:39

Yep, and they both have no love for the west who is always badmouthing them.

[-] SituationSmall | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 09:22:18

Those who support Xi support Putin, they are evil

[-] omninfitity | 1 points | Mar 02 2022 07:26:16
