PlanBoth | 1 points | Feb 11 2022 21:34:16
大的又来了![-] Ecrsoul | 27 points | Feb 11 2022 22:37:43
好像真的要打了 美股币圈也跌成狗了
[-] St_rbtidlkc | 15 points | Feb 11 2022 23:35:23
[-] Ecrsoul | 3 points | Feb 11 2022 23:38:14
[-] St_rbtidlkc | 5 points | Feb 11 2022 23:45:29
[-] f-ckingccp | 4 points | Feb 11 2022 23:43:12
[-] Ecrsoul | 31 points | Feb 11 2022 23:45:27
[-] ChrisGKwan | 6 points | Feb 11 2022 23:55:45
[-] Big_Associate_3107 | 2 points | Feb 12 2022 03:52:55
[-] wtyliangting | 1 points | Feb 12 2022 05:48:23
[-] lynxtrainer | 26 points | Feb 11 2022 21:49:56
[-] AllHailPolobear | 16 points | Feb 12 2022 02:38:37
[-] atamawaruwaru | 4 points | Feb 12 2022 07:06:11
[-] ChargoKing | 5 points | Feb 12 2022 08:46:45
[-] frwyy | 15 points | Feb 12 2022 00:45:24
[-] daidaibigauthor | 5 points | Feb 12 2022 02:38:32
[-] flajjimier | 3 points | Feb 12 2022 07:14:47
[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Feb 12 2022 07:32:30
[-] Think-Lawyer-3002 | 8 points | Feb 12 2022 00:04:42
[-] houruximingze | 9 points | Feb 12 2022 04:02:11
[-] Big_Uzi_Horizontal | 8 points | Feb 12 2022 01:42:20
[-] xjpcnm8964 | 7 points | Feb 12 2022 05:57:59
[-] Tight-Pomegranate-21 | 6 points | Feb 11 2022 23:42:00
[-] Interesting-Card4105 | 6 points | Feb 12 2022 04:03:24
[-] shikinpin | 6 points | Feb 12 2022 05:49:53
[-] fair_j | 4 points | Feb 12 2022 10:27:18
[-] NomadedesGeistes | 3 points | Feb 12 2022 06:49:11
[-] GG-bomb | 2 points | Feb 12 2022 09:31:59
[-] mmmm2mmm | 2 points | Feb 12 2022 10:07:21
[-] cadenCeel_astic | 2 points | Feb 12 2022 12:06:21
[-] Rabellus | 1 points | Feb 11 2022 22:36:53
[-] Benjen0 | -21 points | Feb 11 2022 22:43:41
Since I can't read mandarin, what does that new inspire to you Chinese guys?
[-] PlanBoth | 33 points | Feb 11 2022 22:57:18
fuck china and russia
[-] Benjen0 | -34 points | Feb 11 2022 23:02:25
Yo, aren't you Chinese? Why would you fuck your own country? And btw, is this reddit, like the Chinese 4chan?
[-] livinglist | 20 points | Feb 11 2022 23:40:02
China is a shithole that’s why
[-] Mighti-Guanxi | 16 points | Feb 11 2022 23:21:31
cuz it's got a garbage regime thats why
[-] Akira_SNZK | 11 points | Feb 12 2022 03:00:53
Monsieur, if you're just incapable to understand the content and to hold a normal conversation with the locals here why not consider reading some background info so you may not be regarded as a "China expert" Larper here?
\&rt;Is this reddit like the Chinese 4chan?
This subreddit doesn't guarantee anonymity for its users in the first place, Pierre.
Also, as a matter of fact, a good portion of residents here do not even reside in that sh*thole of a country. So yeah harsh sarcasm and relentless criticism on China may constantly appear here and non-professional speakers of Mandarin are likely to get confused about them. But generally people here are xenophilic and wish to spread the dirty truth about China, something contrary to what you hear from CCP shills and those state-sponsored media outlets.
[-] Benjen0 | 2 points | Feb 13 2022 10:17:04
Okay, I'm slowly patching things up. In no way I am larping or anything. I'm just being real curious. And I honestly don't get why I receive that hostile tone. I have legit no bad opinion, nor really any idea on how all that work. My curiosity is pushed by my project of a possible expatriation to China. And wandering around here seemed a good idea. In conclusion I'll just ask no questions, get my head done and play the stupid foreigner since anything else is getting you all angsty.
[-] T_F_Catus | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 17:45:38
&rt; And I honestly don't get why I receive that hostile tone.
It's just the xenophobia culture in this sub and chonglangTV. People here would assume you are some pro-CCP "tankies" if you do not speak for them first.
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 20:52:12
ahahah, that's brilliant, I googled what chonglang TV and I understand more was is a tankie, what you guys seem to be, it does makes sense. You are like all these guys that spam SOciEtY, but you actually have some reason to do so. I like the idea
[-] T_F_Catus | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 21:09:53
I think urban dictionary explains it pretty well.
&rt;ChonglangTV Loosely united by the common animus against the Chinese Communist Party and certain oppressive or ignorant elements ingrained in the Chinese culture itself (aka. Zhixing, 支性), members of the Chinese-speaking subreddit ChonglangTV share their thoughts, jokes, and popular videos, which of course could be NSFW, to cope with the cruelty of the present-day world.
&rt;The sub's name is derived from the famous Japanese painting The Great Wave off Kanagawa, and Chonglang is a Chinese phrase that means surfing. Members often refer to themselves as 浪人 (lit. Ronin), 神友 (lit. Friend of Kanagawa), or 鼠人 (lit. Ratman, because they empathize with rats). Naturally, members of this sub show great fondness of Japan and seek to emigrate from China.
&rt;More often than not, they would take on a playfully sarcastic tone, hoping to achieve what is known as 节目效果 (lit. theatrical effects), as opposed to Pincong (品葱), a Chinese dissident site that offers serious discourse on Chinese and to a lesser extent global political affairs of drastically varying quality. Tankies/CCP simps of r/gendezong and r/sino, as well as the pseudo-moderate majority of r/china_irl are despised and ridiculed in equal measure. They don't take other kinds of cringe too kindly either.
&rt;Zhang Xianzhong (张献忠), a brutal peasant-turned-warlord during the end of Ming Dynasty is the most frequently discussed figure. A recent infighting about mod policies resulted in the formation of sister subs such as r/CLTV and r/ChonglangZedong. Hey look! Another eunuch from r/china_irl graces ChonglangTV with their most refined comment!
&rt;- Just another holier-than-thou Gaohua as usual lol. Let's downvote his ass into oblivion. Where do you think today's Xianzhong event is gonna happen btw? Better be at the Tiananmen Square.
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 20:58:41
All jokes aside, if you speak english as well as you write it, why not move out. There is plenty to do in Europe, especially if you speak chinese. Just in my company, they'd kill for a chinese speaker that also speaks english.
[-] T_F_Catus | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 21:06:24
Plenty of people here (myself included) have got out of China already, but for the rest of Chinese reddit users (especially those in chonglangTV sub) it's pretty hard to find any sort of way out. Some are too poor to do it, some lack qualifications for political asylum, and some are still struggling with their lives. Also the current pandemic situation is not doing any help either.
[-] Akira_SNZK | 1 points | Feb 14 2022 00:15:45
I appreciate your gentlemanly manner and I in turn have something to be clear. First, I was imitating the way 4chaners talk since you were assuming this sub akin to it (which in fact is not, considering certain boundaries regarding contents on Reddit allowed still exist plus the users' non-anonymity).
Yes, folks here turn hostile toward you immediately if you are considered a sympathizer of the CCP regime. And they generally couldn't care less about individuals' feelings as what they primarily do here is having fun shitposting, and slagging off anybody they perceive obnoxious.
But I got what you meant, if you're just being driven by curiosity then consider this sub as a bar for those cyber exiles from China, with some overseas native speakers of Mandarin constantly hanging around. Again, foreigners are welcomed here so long as they wish to get along with the locals.
Last, for your own sake. You might wanna rethink the idea of expatriating to China under the current situation, as there are several other countries in Asia with Mandarin as the official language and with freer social life.
Feel free to ask any questions and take care.
[-] 99bane | 6 points | Feb 12 2022 05:01:33
Yeah,and fuck you too
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:07:23
I'm really bad at reading the mood. But you guys seems a bit sensitive over your relationship to China.
[-] gangzhamen | 4 points | Feb 12 2022 03:02:30
China's shithole and we just live in it
[-] JerkPioneer_6324 | 4 points | Feb 12 2022 05:10:10
Actually it's necessary to let a 4chan exist. You may hate it, but u can't destroy it.
If you wanna learn us more, you'll be disappointed. You just need to know, WE HATE OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRIE, WE HATE AUTHORITARIANISM, AND WE HATE COMMUNISM AS WELL.
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:02:54
Woah, you guys sounds pretty mad. Is it that bad?
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:03:54
You kidding, I love 4 Chan. You have all rights to have your own version of it
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:04:31
Well, if you want out, let me know, you speak English, so there is plenty of jobs here.
[-] fair_j | 4 points | Feb 12 2022 10:29:28
The Chinese people have all the rights to say fuck China and fuck CCP since it’s their ass getting fucked by the government. Btw how’s Macron doing?
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 09:58:22
Ouch, that is a lot of downvotes for someone just being curious about China and its people. Western media aren't kind to you, that's why I hauled my stupid ass over your reddits to get to talk with some of you ... Macron is fine, dealing with wannabe protesters emulating the Canadian truckers, 2 months before his new election, so it's tricky.
[-] T_F_Catus | 1 points | Feb 11 2022 23:20:00
&rt;Why would you fuck your own country?
China fucked a lot of people here, why shouldn't they fuck it back?
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:24:44
Well, I guess it's because we are trying to move forward? As a French, we've been fucked all over the place just as much as we have been fucking people. But our gov is OK, not the best, but it could be much much worse.
[-] T_F_Catus | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 17:35:14
I appreciate your optimism, but ever since CCP took control of China, people's lives have been fucked over there. I guess you can say there were some good times (especially during the 80s after the Culture Revolution), but 8964 threw all the possibilities that China CAN become a democratic country out of the window. Right now Xi Jinping is only driving China backwards both culturally and politically further (to the point that not only we are not allowed to call him Winne the Pooh online, but also millions of pro-CCP shills will attack and cancel people for doing so).
[-] NoSport2998 | -23 points | Feb 12 2022 00:25:16
You are right. This sub is a Chinese internet shithole.
[-] No-Kale-8539 | 16 points | Feb 12 2022 01:01:11
[-] LaughterMaker | 13 points | Feb 12 2022 02:00:50
[-] punkinzhina | 8 points | Feb 12 2022 01:05:23
[-] JerkPioneer_6324 | 6 points | Feb 12 2022 04:55:14
[-] reborn968 | 14 points | Feb 12 2022 03:41:05
This is an anti-CCP sub dude, don't just assume every Chinese support the CCP.
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:10:03
Never assumed that, but you'll have to concede you guys are hard to find. Every Chinese guy I've met in Europe was either a big fan of it cause he was rich af, or couldn't care less about it cause he never actually lived in China. You aren't easy to come by
[-] Ondisk2021 | 7 points | Feb 12 2022 02:03:57
à la prochaine fois essaye dire français "CHINOIS HOMME!" aux chinois. il sera drôle
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:18:23
What, love the idea, but I don't get the joke
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:19:29
And can anyone explain me why I am getting so massively downvoted? Is it because I'm typing in English?
[-] Ondisk2021 | 1 points | Feb 12 2022 01:40:19
&rt;that new
[-] Benjen0 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 10:20:26
God, you are insulting me of being an English redneck but in French. That is brilliant
[-] Ondisk2021 | 1 points | Feb 13 2022 15:45:10
Perhaps I should say "quelle langue anglais du plouc". It's in fact a calque of "什么农逼英语" above, which is kind of a subreddit slang here.
And I must admit I was just pretending I can speak French.
[-] BrazilFrog | 28 points | Feb 11 2022 22:58:06
[-] PlanBoth | 21 points | Feb 11 2022 22:59:11