newlangren | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 00:20:33

Staying with my girlfriend’s family for CNY was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.

I don’t really know where else to rant so I’m going to just put it here because fuck you and fuck China. I love my Rainy. I really do. And I even enjoy the company of a lot of her family. But holy shit, nongville hunan is driving me fucking bonkers. I am off the grid in the nongiest nongland you could possibly imagine. Maybe about 1/4th the people here speak Mandarin, and even less have a full set of teeth. These fuckers burn coal 24/7, light their garbage on fire all over the place, and start thousands of firecrackers off at 3am and then complain about pollution and how hard it is to breathe here. Holy shit I hate nongville China.

Today my girlfriends nephew thought it would be a fun game to light firecrackers and then throw them at me. Almost blew my hand off when one exploded in midair 1 cm away from me. Mind you this kid is like 6 fucking years old and has never had any parental supervision in his entire life. So I tell his dad that he needs to stop letting this nonglet play with firecrackers and he just laughs and acts like it’s completely normal (well in his defense it is normal for nongs to do shit like this because they have the brain capacity of donkeys and the empathy of a starving chimpanzee) so now I’m sitting here typing this shitpost while this nonglet makes us go deaf. I almost feel bad for him because he was born to such a shitty fucking family that doesn’t care that he has an 88% chance of giving the cripple hunan handjob happy hour special 10 years from now

These fuckers show no empathy for any living thing, human or otherwise. They would run you off the road tumbling down the mountainside to your death if it meant they could get to their jia 8.8 seconds faster. Yesterday, my girlfriends uncles went hunting with a homemade air rifle (no lie this thing was pretty badass and an had 88% nonginuty coolness score) to kill some pidgeons. Well, they came back a half alater with 5 pidgeons, 3 were dead and two were still alive. One had its wing completely blown off but was still screeching in pain and it had been like that for over two hours but still grasping on to life. I have no problems with hunting but what the fuck, just snap its neck and get it over with rather than leaving it half alive and screeching for hours for fucks sake. but again, they just laughed and acted like its completely normal and hilarious that the bird could last that long without dying. fucking nongs, fuck hunan and fuck china and fuck you.

i guess i deserve this for dating a village girl but in my defense my last girlfriend was a rich, spoiled piece of shit who came from money and made my life miserable, whereas my current rainy come from nothing (the worst of the worst shithole hell on earth i’ve ever been to) but is incredibly well adjusted, intelligent, and funny. i wish i could take a pill that transported me past CNY so that I could be happy again and not want to jump in one of the 1000 village communal garbage fires that are constantly burning in this fucking desolate god forsaken dystopia

thank you for reading my gushirrr and thanks adn have a nice day and may a solid vpn connection be with you always bye bye

[-] Rabellus | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 00:46:51

早上好滞nong可怜人,很可怕的gushirr,祝你早日逃脱nongville hunan

[-] Dengshopping | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 01:33:24


[-] Rabellus | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 01:54:18


[-] DukeOfStyria | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 00:49:43


[-] Real_Noble6 | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 01:17:24


[-] Dengshopping | 1 points | Jan 11 2022 01:34:01

湖南土匪窝 狗都不去