AllenSpring | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:14:43
正好安心等死[-] hunterli168 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 06:27:26
[-] love_mm | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 06:40:36
[-] wangdong20 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 07:58:13
[-] 11111010 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 09:17:59
[-] 6324xingping | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 11:15:53
[-] chonglang198964 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 12:30:12
[-] workership | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 12:50:24
[-] mxx333Qwerty1 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:17:22
好死,开香槟咯 :2352: :2352: :2352:
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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:17:22
好死,开香槟咯 :2352: :2352: :2352:
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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:17:22
确实挺尬的,终于有人说这一点了。 能看出来本sub想极力模仿隔壁bot的节目效果,可是mod又没混过抽象tv和其他泛抽象圈,导致每次bot出现的地方都极其的尴尬,有一种东施效颦强行幽默的别扭感。还不如直接关了,真的不好笑!
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[-] mxx333Qwerty1 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:19:20
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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 05:19:20
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[-] sudo_df | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 06:22:41
[-] No_Environment_9431 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 12:13:21
[-] Turbulent_Appeal8097 | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 13:02:03
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[-] gugugu123w | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 13:55:40
bad bot
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 13:55:40
确实挺尬的,终于有人说这一点了。 能看出来本sub想极力模仿隔壁bot的节目效果,可是mod又没混过抽象tv和其他泛抽象圈,导致每次bot出现的地方都极其的尴尬,有一种东施效颦强行幽默的别扭感。还不如直接关了,真的不好笑!
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[-] WhyNotCollegeBoard | 1 points | Jan 09 2022 13:56:05
Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99968% sure that Turbulent_Appeal8097 is not a bot.
^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username&rt; |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) ^(Optout) ^(|) ^(Original Github)