timtomcook | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 04:18:44



[-] timtomcook | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 04:19:13

广西猴体内的文革血脉要觉醒了 白天批斗游街 ,晚上铁锅炖两脚羊,这就是腊主席他老人家说的共产主义新生活啊。

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 04:19:20


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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 04:19:20


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[-] Glum-Lychee6635 | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 11:02:06


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Dec 31 2021 11:02:06


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[-] Inevitable-Bat-2009 | 1 points | Jan 01 2022 00:56:07

bad bot

[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 01 2022 00:56:07

确实挺尬的,终于有人说这一点了。 能看出来本sub想极力模仿隔壁bot的节目效果,可是mod又没混过抽象tv和其他泛抽象圈,导致每次bot出现的地方都极其的尴尬,有一种东施效颦强行幽默的别扭感。还不如直接关了,真的不好笑!

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[-] Fk-id | 1 points | Jan 01 2022 01:59:47


[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jan 01 2022 01:59:48


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