Sea-Patient-1804 | 1 points | Nov 25 2021 14:05:31
转自人民网:看党国白区党舆论机器如何一步步将墙外平台渗透成筛子[-] 43212321423 | 16 points | Nov 25 2021 16:13:50
[-] Zealousideal-Leave16 | 13 points | Nov 25 2021 15:58:29
[-] ivanfernandofranquez | 12 points | Nov 25 2021 19:59:37
[-] daitouryou | 7 points | Nov 26 2021 01:01:52
[-] ivanfernandofranquez | 1 points | Nov 26 2021 11:12:13
[-] [deleted] | 10 points | Nov 25 2021 16:04:17
[-] Mountain_Ad8283 | 9 points | Nov 25 2021 17:00:39
[-] Ichbinich2021 | 6 points | Nov 25 2021 17:36:57
[-] BinChillin | 4 points | Nov 26 2021 01:28:17
[-] Xi_the_fuhrer | 3 points | Nov 25 2021 20:06:33
现在搜索的时候经常不得不手动 -quora。google就没有设置屏蔽某些网站的功能吗。感觉因为太多垃圾网站SEO导致Google结果越来越差了
[-] yauvver | 2 points | Nov 26 2021 02:50:57
ublocklist 请
[-] Real_Noble6 | 2 points | Nov 26 2021 05:22:51
[-] HommeCasanier | 3 points | Nov 26 2021 09:03:55
Quora已经被共匪渗透的没法看了,一大堆Wilson Edwards的变种在上面给共匪洗地,Quora官方还把那些洗地回答做成精选推送给我,如果是一两个蛆我还可以跟它怼一怼,但面对成建制的共匪五毛网军,我一个人真的感到孤立无援
[-] yauvver | 1 points | Nov 26 2021 02:47:11
&rt; I went to the Chinese link, ran Google Translate, and read the whole thing. My conclusion is that you are a liar. This document is about how to combat negative stereotypes, misunderstandings, and misinformation about China and "convey the real China." Given Western media's planned 24/7 onslaught on China (80 percent of coverage is extremely negative), a counter-effort is not surprising. The "summary" that you provided: "We are working hard on propaganda, but truth can’t be covered up easily. One reason is the bad image of Chinese government. To fool foreigners, we need to make full use of those people easily trusted by foreigners, such as: Chinese abroad, Chinese students abroad, foreigners living in China." is absolutely nowhere to be found in the document, nor is anything like that suggested in the document. The words "truth," "fool," "cover up," etc. don't occur anywhere in the document. The document's meaning is so different from your "summary" that I can only conclude you have sinister intentions. Furthermore: The Chinese word for "propaganda" (宣传, Xuānchuán) is a native Chinese term, not a borrowed term as in English. So it is related to other Chinese terms and can be used positively or negatively. Xuānchuán is related to the verbs for "publicize," "disseminate," "propagate," etc. I ran "publicizing" through Google Translate and got Xuānchuán. I believe the document uses Xuānchuán in the sense of "publicizing" instead of "propaganda." This is probably true because the closely related word for "disseminating" does occur in the document as well. This is not a plan for deceiving anybody. This is a set of suggestions for how to improve China's image online, with facts and good writing, and how to post effectively on Quora.
[-] Emperorwinnie69 | 1 points | Nov 26 2021 04:21:05
[-] modaoshishuo | 21 points | Nov 25 2021 14:13:30
How to propaganda for China on Quora? A Chinese paper tells you everything.
[-] modaoshishuo | 11 points | Nov 25 2021 14:13:55