newlangren | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 08:24:54
Tired of living in this fucking cityI chose to live here because it's rated as one of the best cities in the country. But that apparently means fuck all. When I signed my contract the salary seemed low, but I was told the cost of living was pretty cheap. However, rents have gone through the roof recently so now I'm basically living in a hutong hut. The government has become dumbfuck retarded recently, no surprise there. My internet is slow as shit. It rains all the time. The cuisine is ridiculous as well. They take good food and slather it in brown sauce, completely ruining it. Worst of all is the nongs, the fucking nongs, ruining everything. Shouting, pushing, shoving. Chinese signs everywhere, nobody speaks English. What a nightmare. I'm leaving Vancouver the first chance I get.
[-] xidada2021 | 4 points | Oct 08 2021 08:31:17
[-] XhaBuDuoDeLe | 7 points | Oct 08 2021 13:02:38
Tim Budong!
[-] Choice-Wash-8602 | 3 points | Oct 08 2021 09:24:48
HAHA Canadian,Vancouver is for the rich, poor dude are just they tools
[-] PriorAny | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 10:06:23
Well you picked your own poison.
[-] pandaweebl | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 17:00:57
[-] Dengshopping | 1 points | Oct 09 2021 00:35:29
[-] ETERNALBLADE47 | 1 points | Oct 09 2021 03:06:37
[-] xidada2021 | 6 points | Oct 08 2021 08:32:45
&rt;I was told the cost of living was pretty cheap
[-] newlangren | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 08:34:25
Pretend if you are a laowai coming to china and read this all over again.
[-] xidada2021 | 8 points | Oct 08 2021 08:38:00
Pretend I'm a Tim who does no research about the city I'm coming to and blindly believes whatever the recruiting Rainy tells me? Okay
[-] PriorAny | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 10:04:52
[-] SnooDonkeys4226 | 1 points | Oct 08 2021 08:59:57