distantfiction | 1 points | Sep 29 2021 15:13:30

5 mods from r/China_irl decided to resign due to a crisis happened about change of the rules.

5 mods from r/China_irl decided to resign due to a crisis happened about change of the rules. : SubredditDrama

[-] kaeru1551 | 9 points | Sep 29 2021 15:28:30


[-] workership | 8 points | Sep 29 2021 19:22:10


[-] rebutv | 3 points | Sep 30 2021 02:39:36


[-] AutoModerator | 2 points | Sep 30 2021 02:39:36

哈哈 红迪狗都不看 我上红迪只封人

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[-] distantfiction | 1 points | Sep 30 2021 03:12:28
