DigitalReporterS01 | 1 points | Sep 27 2021 20:19:36

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and other Lamestream Media are feeding large-scale misinformation to the public about the Arizona Audit. The Audit was a big win for democracy and a big win for us. Shows how corrupt the Election was. Arizona State Senate hearing going on now and the information about what took place is terrible—a bigger Scam even than anticipated!


It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed. The Fake News Media refuses to write the facts, thereby being complicit in the Crime of the Century. They are so dishonest, but Patriots know the truth! Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.


I will be discussing the winning results of the Arizona Forensic Audit, which will show 44,000 possibly illegal ballots cast, tomorrow at the Great State of Georgia rally, which will be packed!


Massive fraud was found in the Arizona Forensic Audit, sometimes referred to as “Fraudit.” The numbers are Election Changing!


[-] alreadyrunchink | 2 points | Sep 27 2021 20:51:23


[-] ruisnow | 0 points | Sep 27 2021 23:40:49

