MeishinKanary | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 06:18:52


[-] XWN_BS | 14 points | Aug 23 2021 06:56:10


[-] KRKTMK_97 | 10 points | Aug 23 2021 07:27:01


[-] ConferenceSilent7589 | 5 points | Aug 23 2021 07:51:10


[-] Palage420 | 4 points | Aug 23 2021 07:32:58


[-] kanda14 | 4 points | Aug 23 2021 09:33:53


[-] wismia | 2 points | Aug 23 2021 08:03:28


[-] 721ljh | 2 points | Aug 23 2021 18:52:18

对二次元纯爱完全硬不起来怎么办?只能看点秀色 肢解 扶她 sm ntr之类的才想冲

[-] XWN_BS | 1 points | Aug 24 2021 03:51:10


[-] NoChinaNoLife | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 09:56:23



DSM-5 Pedophilic Disorder Diagnostic Criteria:

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).

B. The individual has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

C. The individual is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.

会有B的存在是因为美国精神医学学会认为只有产生危害才能算作精神病。所以尽管A和C联合就已经是有恋童癖了,但没有B的话它不认为这是精神病。医学上要作出诊断可以“using photographs of nude or minimally clothed persons as visual stimuli”,但“Mental health professionals in the United States, however, should be aware that possession of such visual stimuli, even for diagnostic purposes, may violate American law regarding possession of child pornography and leave the mental health professional susceptible to criminal prosecution”。

The population prevalence of pedophilic disorder is unknown. The highest possible prevalence for pedophilic disorder in the male population is approximately 3%–5%. The population prevalence of pedophilic disorder in females is even more uncertain, but it is likely a small fraction of the prevalence in males.

Pedophilia per se appears to be a lifelong condition. Pedophilic disorder, however, necessarily includes other elements that may change over time with or without treatment: subjective distress (e.g., guilt, shame, intense sexual frustration, or feelings of isolation) or psychosocial impairment, or the propensity to act out sexually with children, or both. Therefore, the course of pedophilic disorder may fluctuate, increase, or decrease with age.


目前恋童癖一词已脱离了医学范畴并被广泛滥用,有时到了成年人只要觉得任意未成年人能诱发自己的性欲,这个成年人就会被说成恋童癖的程度,并且还有越来越激进的趋势。这和儿童权利公约可能有关系。事后诸葛亮的话这份公约当初应该叫未成年人权利公约,而不是起名儿童权利公约再在公约内定义儿童等于未成年人。美国虽然是这方面起步相当早的国家,如今都渐渐跟不上国际趋势,被说成是“起了大早,赶个晚集”。左右互搏中也时常用恋童作为攻击对方的手段。女权主义者宣称男性广泛恋童,以此坐实“强奸文化”。右人喜欢说左人早晚要把恋童加入LGBTIQ+。前者把医学意义上的恋童癖和日常用语中的恋童癖混为一谈,而后者是不了解历史的表现。如果了解历史的话,完全没必要说恋童早晚加入LGBTIQ+,直接说恋童曾经是性少数运动的重要力量就成。NAMBLA是美国第一个加入ILGA的组织。ILGA在1993年取得过联合国经社理事会咨商地位,之所以被踢出去直到2011年才完全恢复,就是因为ILGA里有若干类似组织。科学研究同样无法免俗,A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples和The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children都被骂成过是替恋童癖洗白,前者干脆受到了美国国会谴责。

上面这些废话的意思就是说社会观念的变化比你我以为的更快也更激进,没必要和自己过不去。既然你遵守了社会规则,社会没有来审判你,你不用自己审判自己,也不用预测未来的社会观念会变成什么样。1995年时候美国女权主义者Camille Paglia公开在采访里宣称“I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age”,她如果现在说这句话很难不被当场打成恋童癖。就这样吧。

[-] MeishinKanary | 2 points | Aug 23 2021 11:50:56

上个月那个图,游戏里角色故意年龄写12岁,设定还是性感偶像,默认她的粉丝是变态,设计师的脑洞实在是过于😅。 另外,贵蝙蝠人是不是在美国从事精神分析之类的工作还是有相关学位?

[-] NoChinaNoLife | 2 points | Aug 23 2021 11:55:10


[-] NoChinaNoLife | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 12:20:50


[-] MeishinKanary | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 13:37:03


[-] NoChinaNoLife | 2 points | Aug 23 2021 13:41:46


[-] Nakiri-erina | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 11:16:09


[-] Outrageous-Ad5772 | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 12:57:24


[-] tuzhizhina | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 13:55:07


[-] MeishinKanary | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 13:57:01


[-] tuzhizhina | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 15:06:36


[-] Pure-Tax7566 | 1 points | Aug 23 2021 16:58:24
