Altruistic-Range-242 | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 14:44:14
川普的政治委员会宣布在 2021年1月1日至6月30日筹集近8200 万美元President Donald J. Trump Affiliated Political Committees Announce Nearly $82 Million Raised in Jan 1-June 30, 2021, Report
President Donald J. Trump announced today his affiliated political committees raised nearly $82 Million during the period between January 1st and June 30th, 2021, from 3.2 million contributions. The committees have approximately $102 Million cash on hand.
These fundraising numbers, coupled with tremendous support in so many other ways, show that President Trump's supporters want him to continue the fight for the America First Agenda and the truth in the 2020 elections. Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our constitutional republic.
“Bringing the truth about the Rigged and Stolen 2020 election to light is critical to restoring faith in our election process and our country itself. On behalf of the millions of men and women who share my outrage and want me to continue to fight for the truth, I am grateful for your support. And I can’t imagine a more important time to elect good Republicans to the House and Senate. Commonsense conservatives were never more badly needed. We must have people who will stand for our America First Agenda of lower taxes, fewer regulations, support the Second Amendment, strong Borders, honoring our vets, and are very tough on crime. The American people know what’s at stake,” said President Donald J. Trump.
"I will never stop fighting for Free and Fair elections, and to elect the right candidates," said President Trump.
The entities filed with the Federal Election Commission today for the reporting period of 1/1/21 through 6/30/21. The next reporting period for the joint entities will be 7/1/21 through 12/31/21.
[-] Appropriate-Log1508s | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 14:50:30
[-] Lucky_Ronin_777 | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 14:51:08
这么高调晒一个亿 不怕左逼煽动打到资本家?
[-] PalatineTHEsenate | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 14:54:55
[-] KingLuneng | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 15:20:51
[-] Imperium_Britannia | 1 points | Aug 02 2021 12:26:33
[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | 1 points | Aug 01 2021 14:44:58
唐纳德·J·特朗普总统今天宣布,他的附属政治委员会在 2021 年 1 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日期间从 320 万捐款中筹集了近 8200 万美元。委员会手头有大约 1.02 亿美元的现金。
这些筹款数字,加上其他许多方面的巨大支持,表明特朗普总统的支持者希望他继续为美国第一议程和 2020 年选举的真相而战。自由公正的选举是我们立宪共和国的基石。
“揭露 2020 年被操纵和被盗选举的真相对于恢复对我们选举过程和我们国家本身的信心至关重要。我代表数百万同我一样愤怒并希望我继续为真理而战的男女,感谢你们的支持。而且我无法想象在众议院和参议院选举优秀共和党人的重要时刻。常识保守派从未如此迫切需要。我们必须有人支持我们的美国优先议程,即降低税收、减少监管、支持第二修正案、强大的边界、尊重我们的老兵,并且对犯罪非常严厉。美国人民知道什么是利害关系,”唐纳德·J·特朗普总统说。
这些实体今天向联邦选举委员会提交了报告期为 1/1/21 至 6/30/21 的报告。联合实体的下一个报告期将是 7/1/21 至 12/31/21。