Altruistic-Range-242 | 1 points | Jul 31 2021 07:10:48

Garrett Ziegler:I was speaking with a relative of the laptop shop owner earlier this week—Mr Scott from Colorado.

He reminded me that it took over 2 years for Watergate, what my cousin called at the time a third-rate burglary, to lead to Nixon's resignation. And that was mostly a hoax—it didn't warrant resignation, in a just world. The laptop from hell warrants much more than resignation. And all we want to do is lay out the case for that. Consider supporting our endeavor.

[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | 1 points | Jul 31 2021 07:11:53

Garrett Ziegler是员猛将,很年轻,原来在白宫工作,Navarro的手下。揭露舞弊的Navarro Report,他是主要作者之一。他现在显然拿到了亨特硬盘,正在深挖,而且他敢爆料。




[-] Lucky_Ronin_777 | 1 points | Jul 31 2021 07:40:22


这个感觉威胁不大 大不了拜教员大义灭亲

和不肖子做切割 都是个衰仔干的!

[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | 1 points | Jul 31 2021 08:31:49

AZ Audit最终报告8月中旬出炉

[-] KingLuneng | 1 points | Jul 31 2021 09:53:28
