MeetMeAt80s | 3 points | Jun 18 2021 04:37:54
太恶心了 太恶心了 文明垃圾桶吗 ruined my day[-] newlangren | 5 points | Jun 18 2021 07:23:21
评论1:Even though we can't disagree with everything the whites did, we can deny most of them.
下方评论:no matter how bad some races are, they still have something valuable
不过说实话就算翻译了又能怎样呢?西方大环境现在都变成white man bad了,你一个拆腻子骂两句谁管你,等你骂一句黑人分分钟就有亚裔被揍,挨揍的也是无关人士。你要觉得是个亚裔在西方都活该那我无话可说
[-] Hongkongjai | 1 points | Jun 18 2021 10:48:10
Whites 可以考慮直辯white skins, 或者本土化作crackers. It’s not necessarily hypocritical. I think we can’t just reject everything the crackers do. We need to judge actions base on the facts. That being said there isn’t much of an issue going against most of what they do.
Correct. Even for the worst race or civilisation, they always have something that shines.
[-] Top_Cartoonist5383 | 2 points | Jun 18 2021 07:51:58
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jun 18 2021 23:55:48
[-] hhffvgu | 16 points | Jun 18 2021 05:32:40