[deleted] | 0 points | Jun 15 2021 22:49:44

Voter ID


[-] fijikin | 4 points | Jun 15 2021 23:36:12

You don't need ID to vote in the UK. How's your echo chamber working out for you?

[-] Ulmus_Tree | -1 points | Jun 15 2021 23:39:44

Who the fuck are you?

[-] fijikin | 1 points | Jun 15 2021 23:42:19

Someone who isn't a disingenuous retard like everyone in this echo chamber.

[-] 20duleon | -1 points | Jun 15 2021 23:39:52

Voter ID is needed in Northern Ireland. So, voter ID is a thing in U.K.

[-] fijikin | 1 points | Jun 15 2021 23:41:46

That's 2 million people out of 70 million. You are being completely disingenuous and you know it. You wouldn't claim the US had voter ID laws if Rhode Island made it compulsory. You are just posting things that fit your narrative. Shame on you.

[-] PlanBoth | 0 points | Jun 16 2021 09:52:16

Shame on you!

[-] Ulmus_Tree | 0 points | Jun 15 2021 23:43:25


[-] Kaowui | 6 points | Jun 15 2021 23:45:44


[-] Ulmus_Tree | 0 points | Jun 15 2021 23:48:54


[-] gredzael | -1 points | Jun 16 2021 01:38:07
