lostinmodu | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 00:08:41
乐乐法利如何看:郭杰瑞堕入黑暗面[-] telenext | 16 points | Jun 01 2021 01:45:42
[-] Neat-Example3098 | 15 points | Jun 01 2021 02:00:34
[-] Ame_PSG | 12 points | Jun 01 2021 03:50:47
怎么评论对乐乐这么不友好? 嗯?
[-] 2LSB | 9 points | Jun 01 2021 05:09:25
郭杰瑞 歪果仁研究协会 火锅大王...真不是我说你们犹太人,格局确实比伏拉夫和巴哥这种村炮高
[-] Jaded_Ad_6989 | 8 points | Jun 01 2021 02:03:39
[-] AdEnvironmental9127 | 6 points | Jun 01 2021 03:01:49
[-] sirusu1894 | 6 points | Jun 01 2021 07:06:35
[-] kelianshushu | 4 points | Jun 01 2021 05:32:46
[-] tasor76715 | 4 points | Jun 01 2021 07:21:14
I can feel your frustration in this video truly. But dude you are still wrong about the Chinese have bad taste because they haven't accessed the truly good things.
You speak very good Chinese and really understand the Chinese culture well, but still haven't discovered the dark truth beneath "the innocent Chinese people". There is a viral sub-cultural lecturer who is mentioned a lot here, he raises many staggering theories, one of them is vastly accepted by us which called Wafangdian theory. Briefly speaking, he believes any culture or technique would be degenerated under China's environment. This is why we almost for sure there is no way our China can invent or develop any breakthrough hi-tech by its own. It's not about the bad taste but the nationality formed thru long history.
The Chinese are always in a mindet of refugee, although they are on their homeland. What is a refugee? You don't know what will happen to you, so you have to devour anything you are having right now without considering tomorrow these things you wasted today might be growing more profit and bring you a brighter future.
As a refugee, you don't invest on long term plan, only interested in things that can bring you quick profits and shallow happniess. Refugees won't give a fuck about delicate and deep things. Pay years of dedication to learn a complicated technique would be deemed as stupid from a refugee‘s position. Because refugees might die by tomorrow. Not to mention, you can steal and rob since you have already in a very poor situation. What'd be worse? The short sight leads to eagerness for instant benefits and only for that. China is a country full of people with refugee mindset. And it's not just under CCP's rule, CCP just makes things become worse than before. The age of Internet amplifies this defect of Chinese. USSR and NK is also communist regime, but they didn't end up with world famous theft and plagiarism.
Long term dedication can't bring any respect to you in China. We just don't do that here. Chinese prefer trickery to dedication, they don't even think that's shameful. Not because the Chinese are shameless, but morality can't bring quick benefits. You might be confused about the low tastes of Chinese audiences. But plz understand, you've not been particularly mistreated. CCP and its people have the very same vibe on this point. They lack the interest to improve as well as not be able to do so.
[-] Don_Jacinto | 1 points | Jun 03 2021 01:42:09
USSR and NK is also communist regime, but they didn't end up with world famous theft and plagiarism.
[-] zswlp | 3 points | Jun 01 2021 08:36:00
惡 墮 郭 杰 瑞
[-] _Newdkmf_ | 2 points | Jun 01 2021 04:34:58
[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | 4 points | Jun 01 2021 04:39:20
[-] _Newdkmf_ | 4 points | Jun 01 2021 04:44:51
[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | 7 points | Jun 01 2021 04:53:20
[-] 99bane | 2 points | Jun 01 2021 09:54:56
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 09:54:56
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[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 09:54:56
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[-] JIBAMA0 | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 02:58:22
什麼daddy issue
[-] Parsnip-Traditional | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 07:20:08
[-] AutoModerator | 1 points | Jun 01 2021 07:20:08
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[-] FishFlavored | 0 points | Jun 01 2021 05:49:13
[-] Historical-Ad-7220 | -19 points | Jun 01 2021 01:40:58
[-] Altruistic-Range-242 | -19 points | Jun 01 2021 02:30:21
[-] CTOStower | 16 points | Jun 01 2021 03:54:20
[-] T_F_Catus | 9 points | Jun 01 2021 03:31:44
says the copy & paste bot
[-] Sonnoutoukam | 7 points | Jun 01 2021 03:46:30
[-] JuanDBenitez | 6 points | Jun 01 2021 07:20:37
[-] PlanBoth | 2 points | Jun 01 2021 04:38:28
[-] vvffbus | -21 points | Jun 01 2021 00:48:58
[-] grando_foo | 18 points | Jun 01 2021 03:16:53
[-] lostinmodu | 28 points | Jun 01 2021 00:10:47
英歌力斯不好的朋友们别忘记打开中文字幕,简体繁体都有 🦆
[-] somethih4nothing | 6 points | Jun 01 2021 02:57:17
[-] JackQ- | 4 points | Jun 01 2021 10:20:51
[-] NorthernEuropeRemake | 3 points | Jun 01 2021 03:57:01
Your Yankee English is bloody fast,I can’t hear a shit.
[-] 43212321423 | 3 points | Jun 01 2021 07:54:46
[-] stockings_kat | 2 points | Jun 01 2021 06:55:53