SonicFinn311 | 1 points | May 12 2021 03:19:20

道頓堀, 日本

[-] No-Kale-8539 | 13 points | May 12 2021 03:25:38


[-] FoNo12345 | 9 points | May 12 2021 03:36:12


[-] SonicFinn311 | 4 points | May 12 2021 04:06:54


[-] AutoModaertor | 4 points | May 12 2021 03:26:09


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[-] sidnnski | 4 points | May 12 2021 04:41:48


[-] SonicFinn311 | 1 points | May 12 2021 05:03:45

Oh fuck oh shit

[-] SmallPotatoSimon | 2 points | May 12 2021 07:56:43


[-] Quick-Accident2555 | 4 points | May 12 2021 04:55:59


[-] SonicFinn311 | 1 points | May 12 2021 05:04:14


[-] Thebestjokeisme | 2 points | May 12 2021 05:45:30

Where did you steal this picture?

[-] SonicFinn311 | 1 points | May 12 2021 05:55:20

I took it myself =_=

[-] Thebestjokeisme | 1 points | May 12 2021 05:59:53

Not mask in sight and this many people during the 緊急事態?

[-] SonicFinn311 | 2 points | May 12 2021 06:26:12

I took this in June of 2019, when I was staying in Japan.

[-] Thebestjokeisme | 1 points | May 12 2021 06:34:23

ahh too bad. I am in Osaka now we could have a drink

[-] SonicFinn311 | 2 points | May 12 2021 06:55:52

Yeah, too bad. We can have a drink next time I'm there, which is probably next year for university.

[-] Thebestjokeisme | 1 points | May 12 2021 07:36:47

Add me on wechat I will treat you coffee

[-] SonicFinn311 | 2 points | May 12 2021 07:54:20

I'm Taiwanese, we don't use Wechat here. Do you have LINE?

[-] Thebestjokeisme | 2 points | May 12 2021 08:41:07

Lol just kidding. Im Chinese I’m not going to add random people on internet 😆