djyungmin | 1 points | May 12 2021 02:00:12
反转了,跳楼学生其实是美国间谍,潜伏失败选择自尽。美国迅速派出多名特工前往49中回收尸体,因间谍在临死前把所有情报都吞进了肚子里。但美国人万万没想到的是,中方早就料到了这一点,人刚跳下去就被拖去强制火化了!这是中美情报战的巨大胜利,中国的军人太强了![-] TheXuanDog | 8 points | May 12 2021 02:25:12
草 给老子看笑了
[-] kaeru1551 | 8 points | May 12 2021 03:15:25
[-] jzmdbg | 8 points | May 12 2021 05:01:29
[-] jzmdbg | 4 points | May 12 2021 05:14:00
[-] djyungmin | 1 points | May 12 2021 07:01:23
[-] AutoModaertor | 7 points | May 12 2021 02:16:50
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[-] AnyAirRemake | 6 points | May 12 2021 03:52:12
反转了 跳楼的其实是老逼登
[-] djyungmin | 3 points | May 12 2021 04:04:44
[-] youarefree23333 | 2 points | May 12 2021 11:13:25
[-] suzukimurphy | 1 points | May 12 2021 13:48:43
[-] No-You-2244 | 1 points | May 13 2021 02:34:43
[-] xijingping000 | -26 points | May 12 2021 02:38:00
操你妈逼 能不能别发这件事了 这事也就几天热度 然后围观的被戴上境外势力的帽子 中共一控评 过几天就没人说了
[-] AutoModerator | 32 points | May 12 2021 02:38:01
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[-] sunjinxiang | 7 points | May 12 2021 06:27:21
这mod 比真人都有节目效果
[-] NOTCovidSpeader | 3 points | May 12 2021 07:12:41
good bot
[-] AutoModerator | 4 points | May 12 2021 07:12:41
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[-] NOTCovidSpeader | 1 points | May 12 2021 07:12:49
bad bot
[-] AutoModerator | 2 points | May 12 2021 07:12:49
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[-] Chemiosmosis2 | 43 points | May 12 2021 02:02:10
[-] djyungmin | 21 points | May 12 2021 02:10:44