koMishan1 | 1 points | May 02 2021 09:13:02
这下轮回了[-] beutifulrain | 8 points | May 02 2021 12:43:13
[-] BlockNoir5 | 4 points | May 02 2021 13:15:49
[-] beutifulrain | 3 points | May 02 2021 13:19:48
[-] beutifulrain | 2 points | May 02 2021 13:17:23
[-] distantfiction | 1 points | May 02 2021 18:44:00
這個SUB真的是反串SUB,很多reddit的反串板都是這種程度的in character。你隨便點一個mod的profile進去看,要麼是混4chan的樂子人,不然就是右派。
[-] TheKeyToSchool | 1 points | May 02 2021 13:40:47
他们的版规:Comments to r/Zino MUST NOT...Call the Communist Party's name wrongly (CPC, not CCP- calling the CCP gets you a permanent ban)
[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | May 02 2021 13:41:00
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Zino using the top posts of all time!
#1: Thank you Comrade Kim-Jong Un, leader of the free people of Korea and best friends of China | 14 comments
#2: Proof the China is not harming the Uighurs in any way (100% of Uighurs said Yes) | 12 comments
#3: WOW! The CCP provides trampolines for their workers to bounce on during breaks 🥰. Upvote if you love the CCP! | 17 comments
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out
[-] Cdguy123 | 7 points | May 02 2021 09:16:35
中等难度通关了 简单开个困难模式玩玩
[-] distantfiction | 1 points | May 02 2021 18:38:47
[-] Kanic1111 | 8 points | May 02 2021 09:59:54